


I'm having some problems trying to perform a query. I have two tables, one with elements information, and another one with records related with the elements of the first table. The idea is to get in the same row the element information plus several records information.


 table [ id, name ]
 [1, '1'], [2, '2']

 table2 [ id, type, value ]
 [1, 1, '2009-12-02']
 [1, 2, '2010-01-03']
 [1, 4, '2010-01-03']
 [2, 1, '2010-01-02']
 [2, 2, '2010-01-02']
 [2, 2, '2010-01-03']
 [2, 3, '2010-01-07']
 [2, 4, '2010-01-07']


 result [id, name, Column1, Column2, Column3, Column4]

 [1, '1', '2009-12-02', '2010-01-03', , '2010-01-03']
 [2, '2', '2010-01-02', '2010-01-02', '2010-01-07', '2010-01-07']

以下查询获得了正确的结果,但在我看来效率极低,必须为每一列迭代 table2.无论如何都可以执行子查询并重用它吗?

The following query gets the proper result, but it seems to me extremely inefficient, having to iterate table2 for each column. Would be possible in anyway to do a subquery and reuse it?

      (select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 1 group by t.type) as Column1,
      (select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 2 group by t.type) as Column2,
      (select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 3 group by t.type) as Column3,
      (select min(value) from table2 t where t.id = subquery.id and t.type = 4 group by t.type) as Column4
      (SELECT distinct id
       FROM table2 t
       WHERE (t.type in (1, 2, 3, 4))
             AND t.value between '2010-01-01' and '2010-01-07') as subquery
       LEFT JOIN table a ON a.id = subquery.id


您可以将聚合取出到 CTE(公共表表达式)中:

You can take the aggregations out into a CTE (common table expression):

with minima as (select t.id, t.type, min(value) min_value
                from table2 t
                where t.type in (1,2,3,4)
                group by t.id, t.type)
select a.id, a.name,
       (select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 1) as column1,
       (select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 2) as column2,
       (select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 3) as column3,
       (select min_value from minima where minima.id = subquery.id and minima.type = 4) as column4
from (select distinct id from table2 t where t.type in (1,2,3,4) and t.value between '2010-01-01' and '2010-01-07') as subquery
     left join a on a.id = subquery.id


Whether this is actually any benefit (or even supported) or not depends on your environment and dataset, of course.


select xx.id, a.name, xx.column1, xx.column2, xx.column3, xx.column4
from (
      select id,
             max(case type when 1 then min_value end) as column1,
             max(case type when 2 then min_value end) as column2,
             max(case type when 3 then min_value end) as column3,
             max(case type when 4 then min_value end) as column4
      from (select t.id, t.type, min(value) min_value
            from table2 t
            where t.type in (1,2,3,4)
            group by t.id, t.type) minima
      group by id
) xx left join a on a.id = xx.id
order by 1


07-16 08:52