


Below is my query. I am trying to get it to use an index scan, but it will only seq scan.

顺便说一句 metric_data 表有1.3亿行。 指标表有大约2000行。

By the way the metric_data table has 130 million rows. The metrics table has about 2000 rows.

metric_data 表格列:

  metric_id integer
, t timestamp
, d double precision
, PRIMARY KEY (metric_id, t)

如何让此查询使用我的PRIMARY KEY索引?

How can I get this query to use my PRIMARY KEY index?

FROM metric_data D
INNER JOIN metrics S
    ON S.id = D.metric_id
WHERE S.NAME = ANY (ARRAY ['cpu', 'mem'])
  AND D.t BETWEEN '2012-02-05 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP
              AND '2012-05-05 00:00:00'::TIMESTAMP;


Hash Join  (cost=271.30..3866384.25 rows=294973 width=25)
  Hash Cond: (d.metric_id = s.id)
  ->  Seq Scan on metric_data d  (cost=0.00..3753150.28 rows=29336784 width=20)
        Filter: ((t >= '2012-02-05 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone)
             AND (t <= '2012-05-05 00:00:00'::timestamp without time zone))
  ->  Hash  (cost=270.44..270.44 rows=68 width=13)
        ->  Seq Scan on metrics s  (cost=0.00..270.44 rows=68 width=13)
              Filter: ((sym)::text = ANY ('{cpu,mem}'::text[]))


出于测试目的,您可以强制使用索引禁用顺序扫描 - 仅在当前会话中最佳:

For testing purposes you can force the use of the index by "disabling" sequential scans - best in your current session only:

SET enable_seqscan = OFF;

我引用了禁用,因为您实际上无法禁用顺序表扫描。但是现在任何其他可用选项都适用于Postgres。这将证明(metric_id,t) 上的多列索引可以使用 - 只是不如前导列上的索引有效。

Details in the manual here. I quoted "disabling", because you cannot actually disable sequential table scans. But any other available option is now preferable for Postgres. This will prove that the multicolumn index on (metric_id, t) can be used - just not as effective as an index on the leading column.

通过切换 PRIMARY KEY 中的列顺序(以及用于实现它的索引),可能会得到更好的结果它背后的窗帘)到(t,metric_id)。或者使用相反的列创建附加索引。

You probably get better results by switching the order of columns in your PRIMARY KEY (and the index used to implement it behind the curtains with it) to (t, metric_id). Or create an additional index with reversed columns like that.

  • Is a composite index also good for queries on the first field?

您通常不必通过手动干预强制更好的查询计划。如果设置 enable_seqscan = OFF 会导致很多更好的计划,那么您的数据库中的某些内容可能就不对了。请考虑以下相关答案:

You do not normally have to force better query plans by manual intervention. If setting enable_seqscan = OFF leads to a much better plan, something is probably not right in your database. Consider this related answer:

  • Keep PostgreSQL from sometimes choosing a bad query plan


07-16 08:22