There is a query which runs more slowly than I would like. The query is correct already, and I have refactored it, but I cannot get it to run quickly enough. The predicates are already Sarg-able where possible. It is already properly using joins, requests no extra tables, and does not unnecessarily replicate rows or use nested subqueries in ways that would slow it down.
I’m not a DBA, and I don’t already know how to pick a good index to make my query faster. I can alter the table structures; there is no DBA in charge of the database, and I have the permissions on the database server to do so.
How do I optimize my SQL Query?
简介:这里有很多要讨论的内容,由于SQL的复杂性,任何人都无法完全帮助您查询 - 您的查询是什么,表的大小是多么重要,以及正在使用的数据库系统是什么。如果您不知道索引是什么,或者如何使用它们,请参阅此处:。
Intro: There is a lot to talk about here, and because of the complexity of SQL, it's going to be impossible for anyone to help with your query fully – it matters what your Query is, how large the tables are, and what the database system being used is. If you don’t know what indexes are, or how to use them, see here: How does database indexing work?.
Precaution: Again, if you have a DBA for your system, check with them before indexing anything, especially on a live system. They can even help, if you're nice to them. If the system is used by many others, be careful before changing anything like indexes. If the data is being used for multiple query types, make sure you aren't creating tons of indexes on them that conflict or overlap.
语法。标准(SQL92)使用: CREATE INDEX [索引名称] ON [表名]([列名])
。此语法几乎适用于任何系统。如果表上只需要一个索引,并且还没有聚簇索引,则可以使用: CREATE [Unique] Clustered INDEX [索引名称] ON [表名]([列名])
- 如果不能有多个具有相同值的项目,它应该是唯一的。如果您无法使用此功能,请参阅此帖子以获取更多详细信息:。
Syntax. The standard (SQL92) uses: CREATE INDEX [index name] ON [table name] ( [column name] )
. This syntax should work on almost any system. If you need only one index on the table, and there is not already a clustered index, you can use: CREATE [Unique] Clustered INDEX [index name] ON [table name] ( [column name] )
- it should be unique if there cannot be multiple items with the same values. If you can't get this to work, see this post for more details: How do I index a database column.
Which tables should be indexed? Any table that is being used for querying, especially if the data is static or only gets new values, is a great candidate. If the table is in your query, and has a join statement, you probably want to have an index on the column(s) being joined.
What columns should be indexed? There are full books written on choosing the best indexes, and how to properly index a database. A basic rule of thumb for indexing, if you don't want to dive deep into the problem, is: index by the following, in this order:
- 加入谓词(Table1.columnA上的
= Table2.ColumnA和Table1.columnB = Table2.ColumnQ
) - 过滤的列(
其中Table1.columnN ='Bob'和Table1.columnS< 20
) - 按/ Group By /等排序(任何如果可能,用于订单/分组的列应该在索引中。)
- 使用有意义的数据类型 - 如果它是整数或日期,则不作为varchar存储。 (列宽很重要。如果可能,请使用最小的数据类型。)
- 确保您的连接是相同的数据类型 - int到int,varchar到varchar,依此类推。
- 如果可能,请在每个表中的每个连接谓词上使用唯一的非空索引。
确保可能的列不是非-空值。 (如果它们不能包含空值,则可以使用以下语法。
- Use data types that make sense - store nothing as varchar if it's an integer or date. (Column width matters. Use the smallest data type you can, if possible.)
- Make sure your joins are the same data type - int to int, varchar to varchar, and so on.
- If possible, use unique, non-null indexes on each join predicate in each tables.
Make sure whatever columns possible are non-null. (If they cannot contain null values, you can use the following syntax.
Alter table Table1
alter column columnN int not null
Do all of this, and you'll be well on your way. But if you need this stuff regularly, learn it! Buy a book, read online, find the information. There is a lot of information out there, and it is a deep topic, but you can make queries MUCH better if you know what you are doing.