


@Table(name =myObjects)
public class MyClass {
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType .SEQUENCE,generator =sequence)
@SequenceGenerator(name =sequence,sequenceName =myClass_pk_seq,allocationSize = 1)
@Column(name =myClassId)







在JPA中使用注释执行此操作的最佳方式是什么? >

  • 使用原生SQL获取下一个序列当用户按下按钮时的值。要么手动创建序列,要么使用假实体让JPA为您创建它。

  • 如果您不想使用原生SQL,请插入依赖序列的实体并获得它的ID。


I have a class mapped as an Entity to persist it in a database. I have an id field as the primary key so every time the object is persisted the value of the id is retrieved from the sequence "myClass_pk_seq", a code like the following one.

public class MyClass {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy=GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator="sequence")
    @SequenceGenerator(name="sequence", sequenceName="myClass_pk_seq", allocationSize=1)
    private Integer id;

    private Integer code;


I need to make in "code" attribute something similar to id. I need to have a sequence so I can assign to code the next value of the sequence (to reserve that value in case the user wants to reserve it but without persisting data). I mean the user will see the field, if he doesn't know what to enter he can push a button and receieve in the screen the next possible value (and he can or not accept it). How can I get the next value of a sequence defined in JPA (and increment its value) without persisting the data for a non primary key field?

I just want to have a method which call nextval on a sequence associated with "code" field, and returns the value. What's the best way to do it in JPA with annotations?



  • Use native SQL to get the next sequence value when the user pushes the button. Either create the sequence manually or use a "fake entity" to have JPA create it for you.
  • If you don't want to use native SQL, insert an entity relying on the sequence and gets its id.

Both solutions sounds a bit ugly. Maybe you could simply use a random generator like a UUID generator.

Actually, you didn't mention anything about the uniqueness of the code (and the JPA annotations don't show it must be unique). Why don't you return a random int?


07-16 08:12