本文介绍了为什么我在 Rails 4/Postgres 中的所有表都是用“维度"创建的?1?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在尝试使用 Postgres 在 Rails 4 中进行基本模型生成和迁移时遇到了很多问题.我安装了 pg gem,版本 0.17.1.

I'm running into a LOT of problems just trying to do basic model generations and migrations in Rails 4 with Postgres. I have the pg gem installed, version 0.17.1.

一开始,我什至无法在没有错误的情况下运行迁移,因为 schema_migrations 表是使用 version 列创建的,其维度为 1.一旦我手动将其更改为零,它就可以正常工作.

In the beginning, I couldn't even run migrations without errors, because the schema_migrations table was created with the version column having a dimension of 1. Once I manually changed it to zero, it worked fine.

现在,如果我查看使用 Rails 模型生成器导致的所有迁移,我会看到每一列,id列,是用1dimension创建的.

Now, if I look at all of the migrations that resulted from me using the Rails model generator, I see that every single column, with the exception of the id column in each table, was created with dimension of 1.

是否需要更改某些默认设置?这在某种程度上是正确的,我在搞砸其他事情吗?这是我的第一个 Rails 4 项目,所以我只是想弄清楚为什么它希望所有这些列都默认为数组.

Is there some default setting I need to change? Is this somehow correct and I am messing up something else? This is my first Rails 4 project, so I'm just trying to figure out why it would want all of those columns to default to an Array.


Here is one of my migration files:

class CreateCatalogs < ActiveRecord::Migration
  def change
    create_table :catalogs do |t|
      t.string :name
      t.text :description
      t.string :schema_name
      t.string :catalog_type
      t.boolean :billable



create_table "catalogs", force: true do |t|
  t.string   "name",         array: true
  t.text     "description",  array: true
  t.string   "schema_name",  array: true
  t.string   "catalog_type", array: true
  t.boolean  "billable",     array: true
  t.datetime "created_at",   array: true
  t.datetime "updated_at",   array: true



幸运的是,Ruby on Rails v4.0.3今天.我做了以下事情:

As luck would have it, Ruby on Rails v4.0.3 was released today. I did the following:

  1. 升级 Rails
  2. 删除了db/migrate/schema.rb
  3. 删除所有 3 个数据库(开发、测试、生产)
  4. 运行 rake db:setup
  5. 运行 rake db:migrate
  6. 查看新的 db/migrate/schema.rb 以确保它没问题
  7. 运行 rake db:test:prepare
  1. Upgrade Rails
  2. deleted db/migrate/schema.rb
  3. Delete all 3 databases (dev, test, production)
  4. ran rake db:setup
  5. ran rake db:migrate
  6. Looked at the new db/migrate/schema.rb to make sure it was OK
  7. ran rake db:test:prepare


Sure enough, the problem is fixed in this new release. I couldn't find a record of the problem anywhere! It's been an issue for a few weeks. Anyway, fixed!

这篇关于为什么我在 Rails 4/Postgres 中的所有表都是用“维度"创建的?1?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 07:43