Swift 枚举同时具有关联值和原始值.但是我不清楚这些值的用例.因此,如果有人能解释关联值和原始值之间的区别,我将不胜感激,举个例子会很有帮助.
Swift enumerations have both associated and raw values. But the use cases of these values is not clear to me. So I would really appreciate if anyone can explain the difference between the associated and raw values, an example would be very helpful.
Raw values are for when every case in the enumeration is represented by a compile-time-set value. The are akin to constants, i.e.
let A = 0
let B = 1
enum E: Int {
case A // if you don't specify, IntegerLiteralConvertible-based enums start at 0
case B
有一个固定的原始值 0
的 1
So, A
has a fixed raw value of 0
, B
of 1
etc set at compile time. They all have to be the same type (the type of the raw value is for the whole enum, not each individual case). They can only be literal-convertible strings, characters or numbers. And they all have to be distinct (no two enums can have the same raw value).
Associated values are more like variables, associated with one of the enumeration cases:
enum E {
case A(Int)
case B
case C(String)
现在有一个关联的 Int
Here, A
now has an associated Int
that can hold any integer value. B
on the other hand, has no associated value. And C
has an associated String
. Associated types can be of any type, not just strings or numbers.
类型的任何给定值将只保存一个关联类型,即如果枚举是 A
则为 Int
,如果枚举是 C
,则为 String
Any given value of type E
will only ever hold one of the associated types, i.e. either an Int
if the enum is an A
, or a String
if the enum is a C
. It only needs enough space for the bigger of the two. Types like this are sometimes referred to as "discriminated unions" – a union being a variable that can hold multiple different types, but you know (from the enum case) which one it is holding.
They can even be generic. The most common example of which is Optional
, which is defined like this:
enum Optional<T> {
case .Some(T)
case .None