本文介绍了AngularJS ui-router:如何为所有路由全局解析典型数据?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个与服务器通信并返回的 AngularJS 服务应用程序不同部分的翻译:

I have an AngularJS service which communicates with the server and returnstranslations of different sections of the application:

     .service('Translations', ['$q','$http',function($q, $http) {
        translationsService = {
            get: function(section) {
                if (!promise) {
                    var q = $q.defer();
                    promise = $http
                                    section: section
                            .success(function(data,status,headers,config) {
                    return q.promise;

        return translationsService;


The name of the section is passed as the section parameter of the get function.

我正在使用 AngularJS ui-router 模块并遵循 here

I'm using AngularJS ui-router module and following design pattern described here


So I have the following states config:

    .config(['$stateProvider', function($stateProvider) {
    .state('users', {
        url: '/users',
        resolve: {
            translations: ['Translations',
                function(Translations) {
                    return Translations.get('users');
        templateUrl: '/app/users/list.html',
        controller: 'usersController',
        controllerAs: 'vm'
    .state('shifts', {
        url: '/shifts',
        resolve: {
            translations: ['Translations',
                function(Translations) {
                    return Translations.get('shifts');
        templateUrl: '/app/shifts/list.html',
        controller: 'shiftsController',
        controllerAs: 'vm'

这工作正常,但您可能会注意到,我必须在解析参数中明确指定 translations.我认为这还不够好,因为这重复了逻辑.

This works fine but as you may notice I have to explicitly specify translations in the resolve parameter. I think that's not good enough as this duplicates the logic.


Is there any way to resolve translations globally and avoid the code duplicates. I mean some kind of middleware.

我正在考虑监听 $stateChangeStart,然后获取特定于新状态的翻译并将它们绑定到控制器,但我还没有找到方法.

I was thinking about listening for the $stateChangeStart, then get translations specific to the new state and bind them to controllers, but I have not found the way to do it.


重要提示:在我的情况下,解析的 translations 对象 必须包含翻译数据,而不是服务/工厂/任何东西.

Important note:In my case the resolved translations object must contain the translations data, not service/factory/whatever.



虽然这是一个非常古老的问题,但我想发布我现在正在使用的解决方案.希望它会在将来对某人有所帮助.在使用了一些不同的方法后,我想出了一个 美丽的 angularjs 模式,作者是 John Papa

Though this is a very old question, I'd like to post solution which I'm using now. Hope it will help somebody in the future.After using some different approaches I came up with a beautiful angularjs pattern by John Papa

他建议使用特殊服务 routerHelperProvider 并将状态配置为常规 JS 对象.我不会在这里复制粘贴整个提供程序.有关详细信息,请参阅上面的链接.但我将展示我如何通过该服务解决我的问题.

He suggest using a special service routerHelperProvider and configure states as a regular JS object. I'm not going to copy-paste the entire provider here. See the link above for details. But I'm going to show how I solved my problem by the means of that service.

这是该提供程序的部分代码,它接受 JS 对象并将其转换为状态配置:

Here is the part of code of that provider which takes the JS object and transforms it to the states configuration:

function configureStates(states, otherwisePath) {
    states.forEach(function(state) {
        $stateProvider.state(state.state, state.config);


function configureStates(states, otherwisePath) {

    states.forEach(function(state) {

        var resolveAlways = {

            translations: ['Translations', function(Translations) {

                if (state.translationCategory) {

                    return Translations.get(state.translationCategory);

                } else {

                    return {};




        state.config.resolve =

            angular.extend(state.config.resolve || {}, resolveAlways || {});

        $stateProvider.state(state.state, state.config);




And my route configuration object now looks as follows:

            state: ‘users’,
            translationsCategory: ‘users’,
            config: {
                controller: ‘usersController’
                controllerAs: ‘vm’,
                url: ‘/users’.
                templateUrl: ‘users.html'


我实现了 resolveAlways 对象,该对象采用自定义 translationsCategory 属性,注入 Translations 服务并解析必要的数据.现在不需要每次都这样做了.

I implemented the resolveAlways object which takes the custom translationsCategory property, injects the Translations service and resolves the necessary data. Now no need to do it everytime.

这篇关于AngularJS ui-router:如何为所有路由全局解析典型数据?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-16 03:59