本文介绍了scipy.optimize 被困在局部最小值中.我能做什么?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


 from numpy import *;从 scipy.optimize 导入 *;从数学导入 *定义 f(X):x=X[0];y=X[1]返回 x**4-3.5*x**3-2*x**2+12*x+y**2-2*ybnds = ((1,5), (0, 2))min_test = 最小化(f,[1,0.1], bounds = bnds);打印(min_test.x)

我的函数 f(X)x=2.557, y=1 有一个局部最小值,我应该可以找到.

上面显示的代码只会给出 x=1 的结果.我尝试了不同的公差和所有三种方法:L-BFGS-B、TNC 和 SLSQP.这是到目前为止我一直在看的线程:


您刚刚遇到了局部优化的问题:它强烈依赖于您传入的开始(初始)值.如果您提供 [2, 1] 它将找到正确的最小值.


  • 在循环中使用您的优化,在您的边界内具有随机起点

    将 numpy 导入为 np从 numpy 导入 *;从 scipy.optimize 导入 *;从数学导入 *定义 f(X):x=X[0];y=X[1]返回 x**4-3.5*x**3-2*x**2+12*x+y**2-2*ybnds = ((1,3), (0, 2))对于我在范围内(100):x_init = np.random.uniform(low=bnds[0][0], high=bnds[0][1])y_init = np.random.uniform(low=bnds[1][0],high=bnds[1][1])min_test = 最小化(f,[x_init,y_init],边界 = bnds)打印(min_test.x,min_test.fun)

  • 使用可以突破局部最小值的算法,推荐scipy的basinhopping()

  • 使用全局优化算法并将其结果用作局部算法的初始值.建议是 NLopt 的 DIRECT 或 MADS 算法(例如 NOMAD).scipy 中还有一个,shgo,我还没试过.

 from numpy import *; from scipy.optimize import *; from math import *
def f(X):
    x=X[0];    y=X[1]
    return x**4-3.5*x**3-2*x**2+12*x+y**2-2*y

bnds = ((1,5), (0, 2))
min_test = minimize(f,[1,0.1], bounds = bnds);

My function f(X)has a local minima at x=2.557, y=1 which I should be able to find.

The code showed above will only give result where x=1. I have tried with different tolerance and alle three method: L-BFGS-B, TNC and SLSQP.This is the thread I have been looking at so far:Scipy.optimize: how to restrict argument values

How can I fix this?

I am using Spyder(Python 3.6).


You just encounterd the problem with local optimization: it strongly depends on the start (initial) values you pass in. If you supply [2, 1] it will find the correct minima.

Common solutions are:

  • use your optimization in a loop with random starting points inside your boundaries

    import numpy as np
    from numpy import *; from scipy.optimize import *; from math import *
    def f(X):
        x=X[0];    y=X[1]
        return x**4-3.5*x**3-2*x**2+12*x+y**2-2*y
    bnds = ((1,3), (0, 2))
    for i in range(100):
        x_init = np.random.uniform(low=bnds[0][0], high=bnds[0][1])
        y_init = np.random.uniform(low=bnds[1][0], high=bnds[1][1])
        min_test = minimize(f,[x_init, y_init], bounds = bnds)
        print(min_test.x, min_test.fun)

  • use an algorithm that can break free of local minima, I can recommend scipy's basinhopping()

  • use a global optimization algorithm and use it's result as initial value for a local algorithm. Recommendations are NLopt's DIRECT or the MADS algorithms (e.g. NOMAD). There is also another one in scipy, shgo, that I have no tried yet.

这篇关于scipy.optimize 被困在局部最小值中.我能做什么?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-11 17:36