


I want to find the physical address of a variable defined in a user-space process? Is there any way to do it using root privileges?


首先,你为什么要这么做?现代VM系统的目的是从physocal存储器布局的复杂性删除该应用程序的程序员。 Gving他们每一个自己统一的地址空间,使他们的生活easyer。

First, why would you want to do this? The purpose of modern VM systems is to remove the application programmer from the complexity of physocal memory layout. Gving them each their own uniform address space to make their life easyer.


If you did want to do this you would almost certanly need to use a kernel module. Get the virtual address of the variable in the normal way, use this to index into the processes page tables and read the value you find(the physical address of the frame). Then add the page offset to get the complete physical address. Note you wont be able to use this address while paging is enabled.

(如果你的运气好,你可能能够得到从/ proc文件系统中的VM区的帧地址,因此需要难道不写一个内核模块。)

(If your lucky you may be able to get the frame address of a VM region from the /proc file system and thus wouldnt require to write a kernel module.)


07-08 09:15