上的帧缓冲区? 对于该区域设置为UC的 MTRR 的mov [es:di], eax
存储有多慢? (表明WC上的clflushopt速度与VGA内存的UC大致相同,但是如果没有clflushopt,则mov
What really happens on modern PC hardware booted in 16-bit legacy BIOS MBR mode when you store a byte such as '1'
(0x31) into the VGA text (mode 03) framebuffer at physical linear address B8000
? How slow is a mov [es:di], eax
store with the MTRR for that region set to UC? (Experimental testing on one Kaby Lake iGPU laptop indicates that clflushopt on WC was roughly the same speed as UC for VGA memory. But without clflushopt, mov
stores to WC memory never leave the CPU and don't update the screen at all, running super fast.)
如果它不是每个商店的SMI,是否有任何方法可以在用户空间中的WB内存块上近似估算此成本,以进行性能实验而无需实际重新启动为实模式? (例如,使用BSS页面作为伪装的帧缓冲区,但实际上不会在任何地方显示).
If it's not an SMI for every store, is there any way to approximate this cost on a chunk of WB memory in user-space, for performance experiments without actually rebooting into real mode? (e.g. using a BSS page as a pretend framebuffer that doesn't actually display anywhere).
The corresponding font glyph appears on screen in the next refresh, but is hardware scan-out really reading that ASCII char from VRAM (or DRAM for an iGPU) and mapping to bitmap font glyphs on the fly? Or is there some software interception on each store or once per vblank so the real hardware only has to handle a bitmapped framebuffer?
旧版BIOS引导是众所周知的使用系统管理模式(SMM)进行仿真USB kbd/鼠标作为PS/2设备.我想知道它是否也用于VGA文本模式帧缓冲区.我假设它是 用于VGA I/O端口以进行模式设置,但是硬件可以支持文本帧缓冲区是合理的.但是,大多数计算机将所有时间都花在图形模式上,因此抛弃对文本模式的硬件支持似乎是厂商可能想要做的事情. (OTOH 此博客建议使用自制的Verilog VGA控制器可以相当简单地实现文本模式.)
Legacy BIOS booting is well known to use System Management Mode (SMM) to emulate USB kbd/mouse as a PS/2 devices. I'm wondering if it's also used for the VGA text mode framebuffer. I assume it is used for VGA I/O ports for mode-setting but it's plausible that a text framebuffer could be supported by hardware. However, most computers spend all their time in graphics mode so leaving out HW support for text mode seems like something vendors might want to do. (OTOH this blog suggests that a homebrew verilog VGA controller can implement text mode fairly simply.)
我对使用Intel Skylake中的iGPU的系统特别感兴趣,,但对Intel/AMD的早期/以后的iGPU,以及新的或旧的离散GPU感兴趣.
I'm specifically interested in systems using the iGPU in Intel Skylake, but would be interested in earlier / later iGPUs from Intel and AMD, and new or old discrete GPUs.
(Including vendors other than AMD and NVidia; there are some Skylake motherboards with PCI slots, not PCIe. If modern GPU firmware drivers do emulate text mode, presumably there are some old PCI video cards with hardware VGA text mode. And maybe such a card could make stores just be a PCI transaction instead of an SMI.)
我自己的台式机是Asus Z170 Pro游戏主板中的i7-6700k,只有DVI-D输出上具有1920x1200显示器的iGPU,没有附加卡.我不知道Kaby Lake i5-7300HQ系统的详细信息@Eldan仅在CPU型号上进行测试.
My own desktop is an i7-6700k in an Asus Z170 Pro Gaming mobo, no add-on cards just iGPU with a 1920x1200 monitor on the DVI-D output. I don't know the details of the Kaby Lake i5-7300HQ system @Eldan is testing on, only the CPU model.
我发现 Phoenix BIOS自2011年以来的专利US20120159520 ,使用uefi模拟旧版视频.他们不要求视频硬件供应商同时提供UEFI 和本机16位实模式选项ROM驱动程序,而是提出了一种实模式VGA驱动程序(int 10h
I found Phoenix BIOS's patent US20120159520 from 2011,Emulating legacy video using uefi. Instead of requiring video hardware vendors to supply both UEFI and native 16-bit real mode option-ROM drivers, they propose a real-mode VGA driver (int 10h
functions and so on) that calls a vendor-supplied UEFI video driver via SMM hooks.
大部分描述涵盖了处理int 10h
调用和类似已经明显地通过IVT捕获的调用的内容,因此可以轻松地运行有意触发SMI的自定义代码.相关部分是它们描述的直接存储到文本模式帧缓冲区中的内容,即使对于不触发任何软件或硬件中断的代码,它们也需要工作. (除了硬件在此类商店上触发SMI之外,他们表示可以在支持的情况下使用它们.)
Much of the description covers handling int 10h
calls and stuff like that which already obviously trap through the IVT, thus can easily run custom code that triggers an SMI on purpose. The relevant part is what they describe for direct stores into the text-mode framebuffer which need to work even for code that doesn't trigger any software or hardware interrupts. (Other than HW triggering SMI on such stores, which they say they can use if supported.)
[0066]在某些实施例中,应用程序可以操纵VGA的 文字缓冲区直接.在这样的实施例中,通用视频SMM驱动器 130支持以下两种方式之一,具体取决于硬件是否 在对740 KB-768 KB内存的读/写访问上提供SMI陷阱 区域(文本缓冲区所在的位置).
[0066] In certain embodiments, applications may manipulate the VGA's text buffer directly. In such an embodiment, generic video SMM driver 130 support this in one of two ways, depending on whether the hardware provides SMI trapping on read/write access to the 740 KB-768 KB memory region (where the text buffers are located).
[0067]当SMI陷阱可用时,硬件将生成一个SMI 在每个读或写访问上.使用SMI陷阱的陷阱地址, 可以计算出确切的文本列和行,并且相应的 在虚拟文本屏幕中访问的行和列.
[0067] When SMI trapping is available, the hardware generates an SMI on each read or write access. Using the trap address of the SMI trap, the exact text column and row may be calculated and the corresponding row and column in the virtual text screen accessed.
或者, 为此区域启用了正常内存,并使用定期SMI, 通用视频SMM驱动程序130扫描仿真的更改 硬件文本缓冲区并更新相应的虚拟文本屏幕 由视频驱动程序维护.在这两种情况下, 检测到该字符后,将在虚拟文本屏幕上重新绘制该字符.
Alternately, normal memory is enabled for this region and, using a periodic SMI, generic video SMM driver 130 scans for changes in the emulated hardware text buffer and updates the corresponding virtual text screen maintained by the video driver. In both cases, when a change is detected, the character is redrawn on the virtual text screen.
这只是BIOS供应商的一项专利,并没有告诉我们大多数硬件的实际工作方式,或者其他供应商是否做不同的事情.实际上,它确实确认了一些硬件存在,但它们可能会在该范围内的商店中受困. (除非那只是他们决定在其专利中涵盖的一种假设可能性.)
This is just one BIOS vendor's patent, and doesn't tell us which way most hardware actually works, or if other vendors do different things. It does essentially confirm that some hardware exists which can trap on stores in that range, though. (Unless that's just a hypothetical possibility that they decided to cover in their patent.)
For the use-case I have in mind, trapping only on screen refresh would be vastly faster than trapping on every store so I'm curious which hardware / firmware works which way.
优化第7代Intel Core处理器在视频RAM中增加ASCII十进制计数器-将ASCII文本计数器的新数字重复存储到视频RAM的相同字节中.
Optimizing an incrementing ASCII decimal counter in video RAM on 7th gen Intel Core - repeatedly storing new digits for an ASCII text counter into the same few bytes of video RAM.
I tested a version of the code in 32-bit user-space under Linux, on WB memory, hoping to approximate the situation with movnti
and different ways of getting the CPU to sync its WC buffer to video RAM after each store (or perhaps occasionally in a timer interrupt). But this is not realistic if the real-mode bootloader situation isn't just storing to DRAM, but instead triggering an SMI.
在WB内存中,使用lock xor byte [esp], 0
刷新快一些.但是@Eldan报告说,在对MTRR进行编程以使其成为WC之后,VGA内存上的速度没有任何提高. (并且速度与原始普通存储的速度相同,这表明默认情况下VGA帧缓冲为UC.某些较早的BIOS 有一个选项可以制作VGA内存WC ,他们将其称为USWC =未缓存的推测写合并.)
On WB memory, flushing movnti
stores with a lock xor byte [esp], 0
is somewhat faster than flushing with clflushopt
. But @Eldan reports no speed improvement for those on VGA memory after programming an MTRR to make it WC. (And the same speed as for the original doing normal stores, indicating that by default the VGA framebuffer was UC. Some older BIOSes had an option to make VGA memory WC, which they called USWC = Uncached Speculative Write Combining.)
It's not a real-world problem so I'm not looking for actual workarounds; although it would be interesting to know if manually storing pixel bytes into a VGA graphics mode could be much faster.
- 是否有/所有真正的现代系统在每个商店上触发文本模式帧缓冲区的SMI?
- 如果否,是否可以使用movnti + WB内存中用户空间中的某些内容将WC store + clflush近似于帧缓冲区?因此,我们可以轻松地使用
配置性能计数器. - 如果不同的BIOS和/或硬件使用不同的策略,那么这些策略是什么? (我不想要细节,只是一个高层次的信息,例如每个vblank SMI将VGA帧缓冲区同步到实际的硬件帧缓冲区")
- 具有硬件VGA文本模式的PCIe或PCI视频卡是否会比集成GPU实际运行的速度更快?我猜想,实际的PCIe写入事务要比等待存储进入DRAM的速度慢,但PCIe写入要比每个商店的SMI便宜.大致比较/数量级比较有趣.
- Do any / all real modern systems trigger an SMI on every store to the text-mode framebuffer?
- If no, can we approximate a WC store+clflush to the framebuffer, using a movnti + something in user-space on WB memory? So we can easily profile with
for performance counters. - If different BIOSes and/or hardware use different strategies, what are those strategies? (I don't want details, just a high level like "SMI every vblank to sync the VGA framebuffer to the actual hardware framebuffer")
- Would a PCIe or PCI video card with hardware VGA textmode be faster than whatever integrated GPUs actually do? I'm guessing an actual PCIe write transaction would be slower than waiting for a store to hit DRAM, but that a PCIe write would be cheaper than an SMI on every store. A ballpark / order of magnitude comparison would be interesting.
These questions are all highly related, but I can split this up if there isn't as much overlap as I expect.
对于视频卡,我非常怀疑.自1980年代以来,视频卡制造商就一直在硬件中内置从char + attribute获取像素数据"逻辑(它早于VGA,自CGA以来并没有太大变化),只需将该逻辑剪切并粘贴到每个较新的设计中,而无需多加照顾关于它.
For video cards, I very much doubt it. Video card manufacturers have had the "get pixel data from char+attribute" logic built into hardware since the 1980s (it predates VGA and hasn't changed much since CGA), and just cut&paste that logic into each newer design without caring much about it.
For things that are not video cards at all (e.g. remote system management tools using LAN) I don't know but suspect not (often they use a special management CPU rather than the main CPU/s so that it works even if the computer is turned "off").
If you're not in user-space, you can change MTTRs (on all CPUs - MTRRs must match and there's a special sequence involved) to make an area of RAM "uncached"; or use PAT in the page tables (much easier than messing with MTRRs, especially if you're using paging anyway, but slightly different behavior due to still needing cache coherency). If you are in user-space then you will have to rely on whatever the OS/kernel provides, and (depending on which OS it is) the OS/kernel may not provide any way to do this at all.
但是;即使您找到一种使RAM的一部分(未缓存)的方法也不会非常相似,因为您将直接写入与CPU内置的内存控制器相连的内容(CPU可以非常快速地进行写入),而不是与PCI链接另一端的内容进行对话(这将导致更高的延迟和CPU端的较低带宽).即使对于集成视频(最终在技术上是相同的RAM芯片),对VRAM的写入也将经历非常不同的路径(受写入模式" VGA寄存器的影响,受视频卡中的重新映射/GART/分页的影响),位/平面掩码VGA寄存器等).
However; even if you find a way to make (an area of) RAM uncached it still won't be very similar, because you'll be writing directly to something attached to a memory controller built into the CPU (that CPU can write to extremely quickly) instead of talking to something at the other end of a PCI link (that will have higher latency and lower bandwidth from CPU's side). Even for integrated video (where it's technically the same RAM chips in the end) writes to VRAM go through a very different path (subject to remapping/GART/paging in the video card, effected by a "write mode" VGA register, effected by bit/plane mask VGA registers, etc).
For writes from CPU to VRAM; typically integrated video is significantly faster than discrete cards (at least for plain writes from CPU to linear frame buffers where none of the VGA's "write logic" is involved).
之类的东西).接下来,它必须分析(模拟的)VGA寄存器的状态(写模式,写掩码,平面使能,以及控制将哪个64 KiB库映射到旧版区域,字体高度等).基本上;用于SMI仿真写入文本模式的帧缓冲区;我希望它花费数万个周期,然后固件的代码会忽略大量复杂性中掩盖的次要但重要的细节,从而导致它做错了事并且无法使用.
For extremely rough ballpark estimates; I'd expect a single write to RAM to be around 150 cycles and a single write to PCI to be close to 1000 cycles. For SMI I'd expect a few hundred cycles of latency before SMI arrives at CPU, then the cost of CPU pipeline flush, then about 500 cycles to save CPU's state (and same loading state on the return path); then the firmware's code would have to find the cause of the SMI (another few hundred cycles?) before it could know it was a write to VRAM and not something else; then it'd have to examine the saved CPU state and find and decode the instruction that made the write (because it can't know what data was being written, if it was a byte/word/dword write, etc) while taking into account previous CPU state (which mode CPU was in, code size, etc) and keeping track of how emulating the instruction effects the future CPU state (advancing RIP, etc - don't forget that they'll be emulating every instruction that can cause a write, including things like XADD
, etc). Next it would have to analyze the state of (emulated) VGA registers (write mode, write mask, plane enable, whatever controls which 64 KiB bank is mapped into the legacy area, font height, ...). Basically; for SMI emulation of a write to text mode frame buffer; I'd expect it to take tens of thousands of cycles before the firmware's code overlooks a minor but important detail buried among a huge amount of complexity, causing it to do the wrong thing and be unusably broken.
我怀疑这是否曾经实施过,因为我怀疑它能否奏效.您可以使用旧版界面进行太多(常见和晦涩)的操作(例如,检测垂直刷新,设置非标准视频模式(例如模式X",摆弄显示开始")以实现流畅的滚动和/或页面翻转,请在VBE中使用"CRTC信息"来更改UEFI不支持且无法通过的视频计时等). UEFI的第三方视频驱动程序.
I doubt this was ever implemented, because I doubt it can ever work. There's far too many (common and obscure) things you can do with the legacy interfaces (e.g. detect vertical refresh, setup non-standard video modes like "mode X", fiddle with "display start" to implement smooth scrolling and/or page flipping, use "CRTC info" in VBE to alter video timings, etc) that isn't supported by UEFI and can't be done via. a third party video driver for UEFI.
Instead, video card manufacturers didn't bother providing UEFI drivers for about 10 years and UEFI firmware used the legacy interface to emulate UEFI services (often breaking secure boot while they were at it); until almost everything was UEFI anyway.
I assume not. The only thing vaguely related to video that I'd suspect SMM may be used for is controlling the brightness of the screen's backlight in laptops (especially for older laptops, and especially for "lid open/close events") during early boot (before OS takes over).
我仍然相信,(最终,在已经太长时间的混合BIOS + UEFI"过渡阶段之后),可以消除30多年累积的旧乱码(A20,VGA,PS/2,PIT,PIC等). ),这是硬件制造商(英特尔)一直/一直在推动UEFI普及的主要原因之一.
I still believe that the (eventual, after the already too long "hybrid BIOS+UEFI" transition phase) removal of 30+ years of accumulated legacy mess (A20, VGA, PS/2, PIT, PIC, ...) from hardware is one of the main reasons hardware manufacturers (Intel) are/have been pushing for UEFI adoption.