

经过大量研究后,我仍然被难住了.我有一个连续读取数据的串行端口对象.我能够做的是生成 dataReceived 事件,与端口通信,并将接收到的值输出到调试窗口.所以,我很确定这一切都在身体上起作用.问题是当我尝试将串行端口输出传递给我的原始线程时,出现错误.它说我不能有线程串扰(或类似的东西).我一直在尝试使用 backgroundWorker,但我不确定这是我想要的解决方案,加上我的新手技能,这有点超出我的想象.我尝试使用 invoke 但该方法似乎不可用.(我可能是从错误的对象调用?)无论如何部分在下面.

After much research I am still stumped. I have a serial port object which is reading data continuously. What I am able to do it generate the dataReceived event, communicate with the port, and output the received values to the debug window. So, I'm pretty sure it's all working physically. The problem is when I try to pass the serial port output to my original thread I get an error. It says I can't have thread cross talk (or something to that effect). I've been trying to use a backgroundWorker but I'm not sure that is the solution I want plus with my novice skills it's a little over my head. And I tried to use invoke but the method doesn't seem to be available. (I might be calling from the wrong object?) Anyway section is below.

namespace Photometer
    class csRadiometerILT1700
        //manufacturer specs for baud rate, databits, and stop bits
        static string portName="COM1";
        static int baudRate = 1200;
        static int dataBits = 8;
        //instantialize a serial port object for the Radiometer
        private SerialPort RadiometerSerial = new SerialPort(portName, baudRate, Parity.None, dataBits, StopBits.One);

        //public csRadiometerILT1700(Form ParentForm, Chart outputChart)
        public csRadiometerILT1700()

            //two handshaking properties of the ILT1700. Handshaking is enabled and
            RadiometerSerial.Handshake= Handshake.RequestToSend;
            RadiometerSerial.DtrEnable = true;

            RadiometerSerial.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(RadiometerSerial_DataReceived);


        public void openPort()
            if (!RadiometerSerial.IsOpen)

        public void closePort()

        string RadiometerVoltageReadingString;
        int RadiometerVoltageReadingInt;
        private void RadiometerSerial_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e)
            //It's here that this.invoke()... cannot be called.

            RadiometerVoltageReadingString= (RadiometerSerial.ReadExisting().ToString());    //y-value



        private void makeRadioReadingDouble(string inputVoltageString)

            List<double> outputVoltageDouble=new List<double>(2);

            if (!(inputVoltageString == "\r\n" || inputVoltageString == ""))
                string[] voltageValAndExpo = inputVoltageString.Split(new string[] { "e", "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);

                for (int inCounter = 0; inCounter < voltageValAndExpo.Count(); inCounter=inCounter+2)
                    double voltageVal = Convert.ToDouble(voltageValAndExpo[inCounter]);
                    double voltageExpo = Convert.ToDouble(voltageValAndExpo[inCounter + 1]);

                    outputVoltageDouble.Add(Math.Pow(voltageVal, voltageExpo));



This is all called when I form loads with the code

            csRadiometerILT1700 Radiometer;


            Radiometer = new csRadiometerILT1700();


我将 csRadiometerILT1700 构造函数更改为

I altered my csRadiometerILT1700 constructor to

   public csRadiometerILT1700(Form inputForm)

        //two handshaking properties of the ILT1700. Handshaking is enabled and
        RadiometerSerial.Handshake= Handshake.RequestToSend;
        RadiometerSerial.DtrEnable = true;

        RadiometerSerial.DataReceived += new SerialDataReceivedEventHandler(RadiometerSerial_DataReceived);


public event Delegate DataReceived;

在 csRadiometerILT1700 类中.但这给了我数据接收必须是委托类型"的错误.我现在如何解决这个问题?我在正确的轨道上吗?

in the csRadiometerILT1700 class. But this gives me the error of "Datareceived must be of a delegate type." How do I resolve this now? Am I on the right track?


  1. 您的 RadiometerILT1700 类需要一个 event 来报告它已接收(和处理)的数据.
  2. 您的表单订阅了该事件
  3. Forms 事件处理程序使用 this.Invoke() 来克服跨线程问题.
  1. Your RadiometerILT1700 class needs an event to report it's received (and processed) data.
  2. Your Form subscribes to that event
  3. The Forms eventhandler uses this.Invoke() to overcome the cross-threading issue.


07-03 17:16