

我对使用无线AdHoc分发和企业帐户安装.ipa文件有一些疑问,在我的脑海中是完全清楚的(我们使用XCode 5.1,iOS 7.1)

I have some questions about the installation of .ipa file with wireless AdHoc distribution and Enterprise account to be completely clear in my mind (we use XCode 5.1, iOS 7.1)

  1. 我已阅读()对于临时分发,我们不需要企业帐户,是真的吗?因为我已经测试了链接中描述的方法,但是它不起作用。

  2. 我们是否还需要授权文件?

  3. Xcode 5.1生成的.ipa文件中已经包含了mobileprovision文件吗? (如果我们执行Product-> Archive-> Distribute-> Save for Enterprise或Ad Hoc部署,依此类推...)

  1. I read (here) that, for adhoc distribution, we don't need an Entreprise account, is that true ? Because I tested the method described in the link but it didn't work.
  2. Do we need an Entitlement file anymore ?
  3. Is the mobileprovision file already included in the .ipa file generated by XCode 5.1 ? (if we do Product -> Archive -> Distribute -> Save for Enterprise or Ad Hoc deployment and so on ...)


  1. 没有企业帐户的AFAIK,您将无法进行Adhoc分发,并且您共享的链接是带有iOS 5示例的旧链接。

  2. 我想我没有完全回答您的问题。最终,授权文件只是一个 plist 文件,您可以根据需要添加任意数量。

  3. 是的移动预备文件将是在构建 .ipa

  1. AFAIK without enterprise account you can't do Adhoc distribution and the link you have shared is old one with iOS 5 example.
  2. I guess i didn't get your question completely. In the end Entitlement file is just a plist file and you can add as much as you wish.
  3. Yes mobile provision file will be included while building the .ipa



You can verify the third point with the following steps

  1. *重命名扩展名。将ipa 文件保存到 *。zip


Unarchive the zip file.

该文件夹包含 *。app 文件。右键单击并打开包装内容。您将找到一个Embedded.mobileprovision文件。

The folder contains a *.app file. Right click and open the package contents.You'll find an embedded.mobileprovision file.


07-03 04:35