从针对特定 URL 的请求中查看 HTTP 响应标头的最佳方法是什么?Telnet 还是有其他非常好的命令或工具?
What is the best way to view the HTTP response headers from a request against a particular URL? Telnet or is there some other really good command or tool?
我使用 httpfox Firefox 扩展,用于查看在我指定的时间间隔内从 Web 浏览器发起的所有 HTTP 请求和响应(包括标题和正文)(通过按下开始录制和停止录制按钮).httpfox 以结构化的方式呈现数据,我可以快速找到我感兴趣的请求.它很好地补充了 LiveHTTPHeaders,因为 httpfox 也可以查看过去的请求.
I use the httpfox Firefox extension to view all HTTP requests and responses (including header and body) initiated from the web browser in the interval I specify (by pressing the start-recording and the stop-recording buttons). httpfox presents the data in a structured way in which I can quickly find the request I am interested in. It nicely complements LiveHTTPHeaders, because httpfox can view requests in the past as well.