I found similar questions but can't solve my problem yet. Here is the relevant code:
$query = "SELECT * FROM conceptos WHERE descripcion = '$descripcion'";
if ($result = mysql_query($query,$connection)){
if (mysql_num_rows($result) > 0){
//Do something
} else {
} else {
die(mysql_errno() . ' - ' . mysql_error());
我在连接或权限方面没有问题,因为此代码片段位于循环内,而其他查询进入做某事"部分.但是当我接受回显的查询并在 phpMyAdmin 中执行它时,它按预期返回 1 个值.为什么?什么原因会导致这种行为?提前感谢您的建议.
I don't have problems with the connection or the permissions, because this code snippet is inside a loop and the other queries enter the "Do something" section. But when I take the echoed query and execute it in phpMyAdmin, it returns 1 value as expected. Why? What reasons can lead to this behavior? Thanks in advance for any advice.
我遇到了这个问题,发现这是因为我通过从 MS Word 直接复制/粘贴到数据库来破坏我的数据库.粘贴插入了特殊的斜撇号,PHPMYADMIN 显然可以解析但我的 php 代码不能.一旦我用标准的单引号替换了它们,一切都很好.
I had this problem and found that it was because I junked up my database by copy/pasting directly to the database from MS Word. Pasting had inserted special slanted apostrophes that PHPMYADMIN could apparently parse but my php code could not. Once I replaced those with a standard single quote, all was well.
这篇关于查询在 phpmyadmin 中有效,但在 PHP 脚本中无效的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!