


How do I validate a UK phone number in C# using a regex?


在接受答案的正则表达式不匹配所有有效的英国的电话号码,因为实在是太restricive(附加号码范围已在同时被打通,如0203 ,它认为为无效)。

The regex in the accepted answer does not match all valid UK numbers, as it is too restricive (additional number ranges have been opened up in the meanwhile such as 0203, which it sees as invalid).


UK phone numbers follow fairly simple rules:

  • 它们可以是10或11位(有一些特殊号码的例外,但你不太可能需要验证这些信息)

  • They can be either 10 or 11 digits long (with the exception of some special numbers, but you're unlikely to need to validate those)


They consist of an area code followed by a local number. The area code varies in length between three and five digits, and the local portion of the number takes up the remaining length of the 10 or 11 digits. For all practical purposes, no-one ever quotes just the local portion of their number, so you can ignore the distinction now, except for how it affects formatting.


第二个数字可以是任何东西。目前没有有效的数字开始 04 06 ,但有什么能够阻止这些范围进入在以后的使用。 ( 03 最近已经投入使用)

The second digit can be anything. Currently no valid numbers start with 04 or 06, but there's nothing stopping these ranges coming into use in the future. (03 has recently been brought into use)


They can be formatted with a set of brackets and with spaces (one or more, in varying positions), but those are all entirely optional.

因此​​,一个基本的工作前$ P $英国电话号码pssion可能看起来像这样:

Therefore, a basic working expression for UK phone numbers could look like this:

/^\(?0( *\d\)?){9,10}$/


This will check for 10 or 11 digit numbers, starting with a zero, with formatting spaces between any of the digits, and optionally a set of brackets for the area code.


(and yes, this would allow mis-matched brackets, as I'm not checking that there's only one closing bracket. Enforcing this would make the expression a lot more complex, and I don't have time for this right now, but feel free to add this if you wish)


By the way, in case you want to do additional filtering, you might want to also note the following rules:

  • 开始数 08 09 070 是特殊的价格数字,一般不会被指定为私人号码,所以可以排除在外,如果验证的私人号码。

  • Numbers starting 08, 09 and 070 are special price numbers, and would not generally be given as private numbers, so can be excluded if validating a private number.

07 数字移动(除了 070 ;见上文),因此可以排除在外,如果你'重新验证专门针对固定电话。

07 numbers are mobile (except 070; see above) so can be excluded if you're specifically validating for a landline.


06-25 06:52