我正在看 WWDC 2016 Session 803 的视频,字体和字体.
该视频花费大量时间讨论名为 SF Mono 的字体,该字体是旧金山字体家族,以不同的粗细和字符集对其进行展示.听起来不错.我已经准备在我的应用程序的iOS 10版本中使用它.
The video spends quite a lot of time talking about a font called SF Mono, the third member of the San Francisco font family, showing it off in different weights and character sets. Sounds great. I'm ready to use it in the iOS 10 version of my app.
只有一个问题:它在哪里?它似乎并没有包含在iOS本身中,当我从Apple下载旧金山时,它也不包含在其中.我知道我可以从Xcode 8本身中提取一份副本,并将其包含在我的应用程序中,但是可以肯定的是,这不是预期的方法.我想念什么?
There's just one problem: Where is it? It doesn't seem to be included in iOS itself, and when I download San Francisco from Apple, it isn't included there either. I know I could pull a copy out of Xcode 8 itself and include that in my app, but surely that isn't the intended approach. What am I missing?
(不是的重复项) .他在谈论NSFont名称.我在谈论物理字体文件的位置,例如 .ttf .我可以包括在iOS应用中.)
(Not a duplicate of What is the NSFont name for the font 'SF Mono'?. He’s talking about NSFont name. I’m talking about the location of the physical font file, such as a .ttf. that I can include in an iOS app.)
SF Mono可以从字体下载适用于Apple平台页面.
SF Mono can be downloaded from the Fonts for Apple Platforms page.
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