

我是Maven新手,花了几个小时来学习基础知识,但是我仍然没有找到任何好的文档来了解如何在本地安装具有所有(传递)依赖项的3rd Party JAR.

I am a Maven newbie and spent hours to learn the basics, but I still have not found any good documentation how to install locally a 3rd Party JAR with all its (transitive) dependencies.

我知道mvn install:install-file确实安装了一个JAR.但是如何在本地存储环境中进行类似这样的操作:

I know mvn install:install-file does install a single JAR. But how to install locally in the repsoitory something like this:

+ Parent.jar
  + ChildA.jar (Requuired by Parent)
    + ChildB.jar (Required by Child A)

使其更加复杂和真实:Parent.jar和ChildA.jar是遗留/商业Jars,在公共Maven存储库中不可用,但是Child B是在公共存储库中找到的jar(例如,像日志记录器).

To make it more complcated and real life: Parent.jar and ChildA.jar are legacy/commercial Jars not available in the public maven Repository but the Child B is a jar that is found in the public repository (for example like a logging jar).

更新:我不仅要在本地安装它们(具有系统依赖性),而且还想正确地"用maven对其进行集成,以便我可以将此依赖性树重新分发给其他开发人员或公众(而且我认为这很重要) for maven),以便maven知道并理解Dependecytree(避免版本冲突,不必要的下载等...)

UPDATE: I do not only want to install them locally (with a system dependency) but to also "correctly" integregrate them with maven so i can redistribute this dependency tree to other developers or the public (and I assume this is important for maven), so that maven knows and understands the dependecytree (to avoid version conflicts, unnecessary downloads etc...)


Any links or information how that exaclty describe how this can be done would be great.




If it's a commercial jar, you may be in violation of the license if you deploy it to a central repository, and the only recourse is to deploy to your company's repo (if you have one setup).


In order to do that you need to define a pom for childA, specifying childB as a dependency, then run the install:install-file goal for that. Then do the same for parent, with childA as it's dependency.


Once you do that, you can then take those items, and upload them pretty easily to your company's central repo through it's GUI (both Nexus and Artifactory support this through the GUI).


06-19 15:15