


该项目是关于制作一个可视化C#程序库。它包括两个窗口(这意味着两个主要类,我想!)。一个让学生输入他的身份证,姓名,爸爸的名字,妈妈的名字,地址,他想借多少本书,杂志和报纸(我会告诉他们)它再向你走几行... ...在我们输入之后,信息被存储在学生数组中,我们可以通过输入学生的姓名并点击搜索按钮轻松返回,这样他的信息就会弹出。告诉我们他的信息以及他借了多少本书。


这些借书应该是NAME,作者姓名,& ISBN&借款期限为2周。






hey everybody,

The project is about making a library visual C# program.It includes two windows(that means two prime classes, I THINK!).

One to let the student enter his ID, name, dad's name, mom's name, address, how many books, mags, newspapers he wants to borrow (I'll tell it to you a few lines further)... After we enter, the info are stored in a students array that we can easily return to by entering a student's name and hitting the search button so his info will pop up & tells us his info and how many books has he borrowed.

Other thing is the "things" in the library. There's "Books" (a class), "Mags" (class they mean), & newspapers(another class)....all of them are related by the inheritance(don't really know what do it means :p)
the books are meant to be borrowed have NAME, author's name, & ISBN & the borrow deadline is 2 weeks.
The Mags has A name, issue date, & the borrow deadline is one week.
the newspapers has a name, issue date & a borrow deadline is 3 days
and any of the things in the library if a student borrowed it, it can't be available for the others.....

I hope I gave you a full idea, hope you're not feeling dizzy, an hope you can help me in my humble & little project :P



06-19 15:12