


I've 2 pictures of the same scene from an uncalibrated camera. The pics are from a slightly different angle and scale(zoom) and I'd like to superpose them, rejecting any kind of shake. In other words, I should transform them so the shake becomes imperceptible, do a Motion Compensation.

我已经尝试过使用简单的SURF(特征)检测器和同形照相术,但有时结果并不令人满意.因此,我正在考虑尝试图像校正来补偿运动. -进行轻微更改(例如用户晃动)是否可以使用? -拒绝这两个帧的抖动真的有效吗?而对于更大的图片缓冲区(可能是10张)? -有人知道它是否可以解决缩放差异(图像中的不同缩放比例)吗? -该算法真正的作用是什么?会将两张图片都转换为第三方向吗?

I've already tried using a simple SURF (feature) detector along with Homography but sometimes the result isn't satisfactory. So I am thinking about trying Image Rectification to compensate the motion. - Would it work with slight changes, such as user shake? - Would it really work to reject shake for these 2 frames? And for a bigger buffer of pictures (10 maybe)? - Anyone knows if it would fix scale disparity (different zoom in the images)? - What the algorithm really do? Will it transform both pictures into a third orientation?


If there is a better solution, I would be glad to know =)



I don't aim to compensate blur motion but the displacement itself. For example, in this file the author compensates the angle difference between two cameras by Image Rectification. How does it actually work? Does it always create an intermediate picture orientation or can I specify that one of the pictures shall remains still??


Also, would I be able to apply this to many frames or it would always find an intermediate orientation for each two frames I put in?



我不确定叠加图像的效果如何.从图像中消除模糊(包括在手持相机设备中应占主导地位的运动模糊)的另一种方法是通过盲反卷积.从根本上讲,这是一种方法,用于查找实际应用于实际图像(抖动照相机)的模糊滤镜的逆像.网络上有很多技术.在本文中,使用该算法的改进版本特别取得了良好的效果: http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~leojia/all_final_papers/motion_deblur_cvpr07.pdf

I'm not sure how well superimposing the images would work. Another way to remove blur (including motion blur which should dominate in handheld camera devices) from an image is by blind deconvolution. It is basically a method of finding the inverse of the blur filter that was physically applied (camera shaken) to the real image. There's plenty of techniques out on the web. I've specifically had good results using a modified version of the algorithm in this paper: http://www.cse.cuhk.edu.hk/~leojia/all_final_papers/motion_deblur_cvpr07.pdf


It also comes with an executable file somewhere around the web so you can see if it's fit for your purpose.



06-14 23:23