


I have a directory that contains other directories (the number of directories is arbitrary), like this:

Main_directory_samples /


  • subdirectory_sample_1 /

  • subdirectory_sample_2 /

  • subdirectory_sample_3 /

  • subdirectory_sample_4 /

  • subdirectory_sample_1/
  • subdirectory_sample_2/
  • subdirectory_sample_3/
  • subdirectory_sample_4/


I have a script that receives as input one directory each time and it takes 1h to run (for each directory). To run the script I have the following code:

opendir DIR, $maindirectory or die "Can't open directory!!";
while(my $dir = readdir DIR){
    if($dir ne '.' && $dir ne '..'){
        system("/bin/bash", "my_script.sh", $maindirectory.'/'.$dir);
closedir DIR;

但是,我想同时为不同目录运行脚本。例如, subdirectory_sample_1 / subdirectory_sample_2 / 将在同一线程中运行; subdirectory_sample_3 / subdirectory_sample_4 / 在另一个目录中。但我只是找不到办法。

However, I want to run the script for different directories at the same time. For instance, the subdirectory_sample_1/ and subdirectory_sample_2/ would run in the same thread; subdirectory_sample_3/ and subdirectory_sample_4/ in another. But I just can't find a way to do this.



As you're just starting external processes and waiting for them, a non-threading option:

use strict;
use warnings;
use Path::Tiny;
use IO::Async::Loop;
use Future::Utils 'fmap_concat';

my $loop = IO::Async::Loop->new;

my $maindirectory = '/foo/bar';
my @subdirs = grep { -d } path($maindirectory)->children; # excludes . and ..

# runs this code to maintain up to 'concurrent' pending futures at once
my $main_future = fmap_concat {
  my $dir = shift;
  my $future = $loop->new_future;
  my $process = $loop->open_process(
    command => ['/bin/bash', 'my_script.sh', $dir],
    on_finish => sub { $future->done(@_) },
    on_exception => sub { $future->fail(@_) },
  return $future;
} foreach => \@subdirs, concurrent => 2;

# run event loop until all futures are done or one fails, throw exception on failure
my @exit_codes = $main_future->get;



06-03 23:00