本文介绍了使用发布定义自动提升 nuget 包的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


在本地 Azure DevOps(版本 17.143.28621.4)中,有没有办法使用发布定义中的任务自动将 nuget 包从一个视图提升到另一个视图?

In onprem Azure DevOps (Version 17.143.28621.4) is there a way to automatically promote a nuget package from one view to another using a task in a release definition?

当我们为构建触发发布时,人工制品(即 nuget 包)会经历两个阶段

When we trigger a release for a build, the artefacts (i.e. nuget packages) go through two stages

  1. PreRelease:包被推送到提要(在@Local 视图中结束).
  2. Release:包应该从@Local 提升到@Release 视图.
  1. PreRelease: The packages are pushed to the feed (ending up in the @Local view).
  2. Release: The packages should be promoted from the @Local to the @Release view.

不幸的是,第 2 阶段目前是 Azure DevOps Web UI 中的手动步骤.能否通过发布定义实现自动化?

Unfortunately stage 2. is currently a manual step in the Azure DevOps web UI. Can it be automated via the release definition?

如果这是不可能的,是否有更好的方法来组织我们的发布管道和包提要/视图,使 nuget 包的发布完全自动化?

If this is not possible, is there a better way to organise our release pipeline and package feeds/views to make a release of nuget packages fully automatic?


以下 powershell 脚本可用于提升多个包.此脚本假定所有软件包都具有相同的版本(一个产品由多个软件包组成).它与我们的DevOps Server 2019"配合良好.

The following powershell script you can use to promote multiple packages.This script assumes that all packages have the same version (one product consisting of several packages).It is working fine with our "DevOps Server 2019".


$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"

[regex]$nameExpression = "(?<name>[^0-9]*)."
$json = '{ "views": { "op":"add", "path":"/views/-", "value":"' + $packageQuality + '" } }'
Write-Verbose -Message $json

Get-ChildItem . -Filter *.nupkg | Foreach-Object {
  $matches = $nameExpression.Match($_.Name)
  $packageName = $matches.groups['name']
  $requestUri = $tfsCollectionUri + "/_apis/packaging/feeds/$feedName/nuget/packages/$packageName/versions/$packageVersion" + "?api-version=5.0-preview.1"
  Write-Verbose -Message $requestUri
  $reponse = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $requestUri -UseDefaultCredentials -ContentType "application/json" -Method Patch -Body $json
  Write-Verbose -Message "Response: '$reponse'"

参数 packageQuality 应该是例如Release"或Prerelease",不带前导@".

The parameter packageQuality should be e.g. "Release" or "Prerelease", without leading "@".

非常感谢 Shayki Abramczyk 提供正确方向的提示.

Many thanks to Shayki Abramczyk for the tip in the right direction.

这篇关于使用发布定义自动提升 nuget 包的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-03 20:56