


For some reason, when iterating over a list of threads and interrupting all of them, none of them executes the catch block with InterruptedException.

在以下存储库中: https://github.com/ranisalt/LiuThread


I have two threads, each of them has executor services and one of them holds readers, the other reads writers. Writers should spawn every 100 ms, write to the buffer and quit/stop/whatever just don't write again. Readers are 4 threads that try to read and, if they can, they should quit too, so there's space for another reader.


I have 100 of each (reader and writer) and if they fail to read or write, they wait 60 seconds.


Then, I have a coordinator thread that keeps testing if the buffer is empty (and interrupts the writers) or full (interrupts the readers), so they never should get to wait 60s. The buffer knows its state.


The problem is, for some reason, this snippet:

for (ThreadAzul azul : threadsAzuis) {


Is NOT interrupting the thread! I have used println to see if is getting interrupted:

try {
    System.out.println(this.getName() + " foi dormir");
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
    System.out.println(this.getName() + " foi interrompido");


But this NEVER gets written. What is the reason for interrupt() not making the catch block execute?


main 方法内部,您正在 Thread run()>,所以您永远不会启动新的 Thread ,而是在初始的 main 线程中运行其代码.因此,在从未启动过的 Thread 实例上调用 interrupt 不会中断实际上正在执行代码的 main 线程.

Inside the main method you are invoking run() on your Thread so you never start a new Thread but instead run its code within the initial main thread. So invoking interrupt on the Thread instance you never have started will not interrupt the main thread which is actually executing the code.

Thread 实例提交给 Executor 时,重复同样的错误.执行者将执行 Thread 实例的 run 方法,因为 Thread 实现了 Runnable Executor 将在其自己的托管 Thread 中执行此操作,但不会在您已创建但从未启动的实例代表的 Thread 中执行该操作.

The same error repeats when you submit a Thread instance to an Executor. The executor will execute the run method of the Thread instance because Thread implements Runnable but the Executor will do so within its own managed Thread but not within the Thread represented by the instance you have created but never started.

同样,在从未启动过的 Thread 实例上调用 interrupt 不会中断实际执行代码的线程.

So again, invoking interrupt on the Thread instance you never have started will not interrupt the thread actually executing the code.

通常,您不应该不要混用 线程 Executor .确定一种方式,手动处理 Thread 或使用 ExecutorSevice s.

Generally you should not mix Thread and Executor usage. Decide for one way, dealing with Threads manually or using ExecutorSevices.

当使用 Thread 时,必须使用 start()方法启动它们,而不是调用 run()方法.

And when you are using Threads you must start them using the start() method, not invoking the run() method.


06-01 01:29