


I'm writing an AppleScript in which I want to insert a subroutine to delete specified files. With a flag I wish to control whether the given file is moved to the recycle bin or deleted permanently.


on MyDeleteProc(theFile, allowUndo)
  if allowUndo then
    tell application "Finder" to delete POSIX file theFile
    do shell script "rm " & theFile
  end if
end MyDeleteProc


Now I want to know if this case is correct so far or is there maybe another Finder command or a parameter for the delete command that I overlooked so I will be able to simplify the script above?



AppleScript is a temperamental beast, and the devil is often in the details.

@adayzdone的答案提供了至关重要的指针-使用System Events应用程序的delete命令来实现永久性删除,找出确切的语法需要反复尝试:

While @adayzdone's answer provides the crucial pointer - use of the System Events application's delete command to achieve permanent deletion, working out the exact syntax takes trial and error:


Caveat: This handler works with both files and folders - targeting a folder with allowUndo set to false therefore permanently deletes that folder's entire subtree.

on MyDeleteProc(theFile, allowUndo)
  if allowUndo then
    tell application "Finder" to delete theFile as POSIX file
    tell application "System Events" to delete alias theFile
  end if
end MyDeleteProc

在OS X 10.9.4上,我必须执行以下操作才能完成此工作:

On OS X 10.9.4 I had to do the following to make this work:

  • Finder上下文:必须将POSIX file theFile更改为theFile as POSIX file(后缀形式)-不要问我为什么.
  • System Events上下文:使用提供的POSIX路径的"cast" alias是对我有用的命令的唯一形式.
  • Finder context: Had to change POSIX file theFile to theFile as POSIX file (postfix form) - don't ask me why.
  • System Events context: Using "cast" alias with the POSIX path provided is the only form of the command that worked for me.


That said, a little tweak to your original function would make it work, too (and unless you delete many files one by one, performance probably won't matter):

但是请注意,仅使用rm仅适用于文件-如果您也希望将其扩展到文件夹,请使用rm -rf代替-相同的 caveat将永久保留删除整个子树.

Note, however, that just using rm only works with files - if you wanted to extend it to folders, too, use rm -rf instead - the same caveat re permanently deleting entire subtrees applies.

on MyDeleteProc(theFile, allowUndo)
  if allowUndo then
    tell application "Finder" to delete theFile as POSIX file
    do shell script "rm " & quoted form of theFile
  end if
end MyDeleteProc

请注意使用quoted form of,它可以安全地将文件路径传递到外壳,并正确编码字符(例如空格).

Note the use of quoted form of, which safely passes the file path to the shell, encoding characters such as spaces properly.


05-30 05:34