谁能帮我创建一个批处理文件?基本上,我的目标是创建一个批处理文件,将保留最新7 .txt文件(换言之,最新的)的文件夹中,并随后删除其余。这是,如果有多于7个文件的文件夹中。
Can anyone help me create a batch file? Basically, my goal is to create a batch file that will keep the LATEST 7 .txt files (in other words, the newest) in the folder and subsequently delete the rest. That's IF there are more than 7 files in the folder.
The problem I'm having right now is the fact that the batch file that I have created deletes most of the files because their date is from a month or two or so. I want to keep the latest 7 files at all times no matter how old they are.
所以这就是我 -
@echo off
setlocal enableextensions
rem ********************************************************************************
rem ******************************* LOCAL VARIABLES ******************************
rem ********************************************************************************
SET TargetDirectory="C:\TEMP\test"
SET No_of_fles_to_keep=7
SET count=0
set cnt=0
rem ********************************************************************************
cd /d %TargetDirectory%
REM timeout /T 500
for %%x in (*) do set /a count+=1
for %%A in (*.bat) do set /a cnt+=1
cd /d %TargetDirectory%
REM timeout /T 500
IF %count% gtr %No_of_fles_to_keep% forfiles -p %TargetDirectory% -s -m "*.txt" -d -%No_of_fles_to_keep% -c "cmd /c del @path"
echo %count%
echo File count = %cnt%
任何帮助是AP preciated。
Any help is appreciated.
您可以使用DIR与 / O-D
列出按降序时间戳的顺序文本文件。 FOR / F允许您遍历每个文件。 SET / A用来跟踪多少文件迄今已列出。现在到了棘手的部分。
You can use DIR with /O-D
to list the text files in descending timestamp order. FOR /F allows you to iterate over each file. SET /A is used to keep track of how many files have been listed so far. Now comes the tricky part.
在文件中有效名。我避开这个问题,通过使用SET / A时,7号文件的名称已被读取故意除以0。这就提出了导致有条件code来执行取消定义的变量KEEP一个错误。从这一点上,所有剩余的文件被删除。
Within a code block you normally need to use delayed expansion to work with the value of a variable that was set earlier in the same block. But delayed expansion can cause problems in a FOR loop if the FOR variable value contains !
, and !
is valid in file names. I get around the problem by using SET /A to intentionally divide by 0 when the 7th file name has been read. This raises an error that causes the conditional code to execute that undefines the KEEP variable. From that point on, all remaining files are deleted.
@echo off
set /a cnt=0
set "keep=7"
for /f "eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d *.txt') do (
if defined keep (
2>nul set /a "cnt+=1, 1/(keep-cnt)" || set "keep="
) else del "%%F"
我的天哪,我才意识到有一个简单的解决方案。只需使用FOR / F SKIP选项按最后修改日期排序,降后忽略第7项。
Oh my goodness, I just realized there is a trivial solution. Just use the FOR /F SKIP option to ignore the first 7 entries after sorting by last modified date, descending.
for /f "skip=7 eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d *.txt') do @del "%%F"
您甚至不需要一个批处理文件。只要改变 %%
You don't even need a batch file. Just change %%
to %
if run from the command prompt.