本文介绍了将coldfusion json转换为结构的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个来自 jQuery 应用程序的 JSON 变量输出:

I have a JSON variable output from a jQuery application as so:


我需要将此变量转换为结构,然后通过第一个 id 参数循环该结构,以找到每个 id 的子项(如果有的话).我试图将其转换为这样的结构,但出现错误:

I need to convert this variable to a struct and then loop the struct by the first id parameter to find the children for each id (if there is one). I have tried to convert it as a structure like so but I am getting an error:

<cfset jsonarray = deserializeJson(output)>
<cfloop collection="#jsonarray#" index="id">
<cfdump var="#jsonarray[id]#">


It does not recognize the variable as a structure:

Invalid collection [{id={1}}, {children={[{id={198}}, {id={199}}, {id={200}}]},id={197}}, {children={[{id={3}}, {id={143}}, {id={4}}, {id={6}}, {id={5}}, {id={7}}, {id={8}}, {id={9}}, {id={10}}, {id={11}}, {id={12}}]},id={2}}, {children={[{id={17}}, {id={190}}, {id={191}}, {id={131}}, {id={16}}, {id={142}}, {id={124}}]},id={15}}, {children={[{id={150}}, {id={160}}, {id={161}}, {id={184}}]},id={149}}, {children={[{id={132}}, {id={127}}, {id={152}}, {id={107}}, {id={108}}, {id={109}}, {id={110}}, {id={125}}, {id={128}}, {id={130}}, {id={129}}, {id={112}}]},id={20}}, {children={[{id={163}}, {id={164}}, {id={165}}, {id={166}}, {id={186}}, {id={187}}]},id={162}}, {children={[{id={173}}, {id={168}}, {id={170}}, {id={169}}, {id={192}}, {id={194}}]},id={167}}, {children={[{id={176}}, {id={175}}, {id={188}}]},id={174}}, {children={[{id={178}}, {id={179}}, {id={195}}, {id={154}}, {id={157}}]},id={153}}, {children={[{id={181}}, {id={182}}, {id={183}}, {id={189}}]},id={180}}, {id={122}}, {id={21}}, {id={13}}, {id={92}}, {id={22}}, {id={113.... Must be a valid structure or COM object.


JSON 中,[] 表示一个数组和 {} 一个结构(或对象).所以你的输入实际上是一个结构数组.您需要使用 array 循环,而不是集合循环:

In JSON, the [] denotes an array and {} a structure (or object). So your input is actually an array of structures. You need to use an array loop, not a collection loop:

<cfset arrayOfStructs = deserializeJson(output)>
<cfloop array="#arrayOfStructs#" index="parent">
      <cfset parentID = parent.id />

children 也是一个结构数组.在外循环内部,检查该键是否存在.如果找到,循环遍历子数组并对每个 id 做一些事情:

children is also an array of structures. Inside the outer loop, check for the existence of that key. If found, loop through the child array and do something with each of the id's:

  <cfif structKeyExists(parent, "children")>
      <cfloop array="#parent.children#" index="child">

这篇关于将coldfusion json转换为结构的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 23:50