In other languages, a general guideline that helps produce better code is always make everything as hidden as possible. If in doubt about whether a variable should be private or protected, it's better to go with private.
Does the same hold true for Python? Should I use two leading underscores on everything at first, and only make them less hidden (only one underscore) as I need them?
If the convention is to use only one underscore, I'd also like to know the rationale.
这是我在 JBernardo的回答.它解释了为什么我问这个问题,以及为什么我想知道为什么Python与其他语言不同的原因:
Here's a comment I left on JBernardo's answer. It explains why I asked this question and also why I'd like to know why Python is different from the other languages:
When in doubt, leave it "public" - I mean, do not add anything to obscure the name of your attribute. If you have a class with some internal value, do not bother about it. Instead of writing:
class Stack(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__storage = [] # Too uptight
def push(self, value):
class Stack(object):
def __init__(self):
self.storage = [] # No mangling
def push(self, value):
这肯定是一种有争议的做事方式. Python的新手只是讨厌它,甚至一些老的Python人士都鄙视了此默认设置-但这仍然是默认设置,因此即使您感到不舒服,我也建议您遵循它.
This is for sure a controversial way of doing things. Python newbies just hate it and even some old Python guys despise this default - but it is the default anyway, so I really recommend you to follow it, even if you feel uncomfortable.
如果您真的要发送消息无法触摸!"对于您的用户,通常的方法是在变量前加上 one 下划线.这只是一个约定,但人们理解它并在处理此类内容时要格外小心:
If you really want to send the message "Can't touch this!" to your users, the usual way is to precede the variable with one underscore. This is just a convention, but people understand it and take double care when dealing with such stuff:
class Stack(object):
def __init__(self):
self._storage = [] # This is ok but pythonistas use it to be relaxed about it
def push(self, value):
This can be useful, too, for avoiding conflict between property names and attribute names:
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self._age = age if age >= 0 else 0
def age(self):
return self._age
def age(self, age):
if age >= 0:
self._age = age
self._age = 0
What about the double underscore? Well, the double underscore magic is used mainly to avoid accidental overloading of methods and name conflicts with superclasses' attributes. It can be quite useful if you write a class that is expected to be extended many times.
If you want to use it for other purposes, you can, but it is neither usual nor recommended.
EDIT: Why is this so? Well, the usual Python style does not emphasize making things private - on the contrary! There are a lot of reasons for that - most of them controversial... Let us see some of them.
Most OO languages today use the opposite approach: what should not be used should not be visible, so attributes should be private. Theoretically, this would yield more manageable, less coupled classes, because no one would change values inside the objects recklessly.
但是,这并不是那么简单.例如,Java类确实有很多属性和 getter,它们只是获取值,而和 setter只是 set 价值.让我们说,您需要七行代码来声明一个属性-Python程序员会说这不必要地复杂.另外,实际上,您只需编写大量代码即可获得一个公共字段,因为您可以使用getter和setter更改其值.
However, it is not so simple. For example, Java classes do have a lot attributes and getters that just get the values and setters that just set the values. You need, let us say, seven lines of code to declare a single attribute - which a Python programmer would say is needlessly complex. Also, in practice, you just write this whole lot of code to get one public field, since you can change its value using the getters and setters.
So why to follow this private-by-default policy? Just make your attributes public by default. Of course, this is problematic in Java, because if you decide to add some validation to your attribute, it would require you to change all
person.age = age;
in your code to, let us say,
public void setAge(int age) {
if (age >= 0) {
this.age = age;
} else {
this.age = 0;
So in Java (and other languages), the default is to use getters and setters anyway, because they can be annoying to write but can spare you a lot of time if you find yourself in the situation I've described.
However, you do not need to do it in Python, since Python has properties. If you have this class:
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self.age = age
,然后您决定验证年龄,无需更改代码的person.age = age
and then you decide to validate ages, you do not need to change the person.age = age
pieces of your code. Just add a property (as shown below)
class Person(object):
def __init__(self, name, age):
self.name = name
self._age = age if age >= 0 else 0
def age(self):
return self._age
def age(self, age):
if age >= 0:
self._age = age
self._age = 0
如果您仍然可以使用person.age = age
If you can do it and still use person.age = age
, why would you add private fields and getters and setters?
(另外,请参见 Python不是Java 和有关使用getter和setter的危害的文章.).
(Also, see Python is not Java and this article about the harms of using getters and setters.).
Even in languages where there are private attributes, you can access them through some kind of reflection/introspection library. And people do it a lot, in frameworks and for solving urgent needs. The problem is that introspection libraries are just a hard way of doing what you could do with public attributes.
Since Python is a very dynamic language, it is just counterproductive to add this burden to your classes.
For a Pythonista, encapsulation is not the inability of seeing the internals of classes, but the possibility of avoiding looking at it. What I mean is, encapsulation is the property of a component which allows it to be used without the user being concerned about the internal details. If you can use a component without bothering yourself about its implementation, then it is encapsulated (in the opinion of a Python programmer).
Now, if you wrote your class in such a way you can use it without having to think about implementation details, there is no problem if you want to look inside the class for some reason. The point is: your API should be good and the rest is details.
嗯,这没有争议:他是这样说的,实际上 . (寻找开放式和服".)
Well, this is not controversial: he said so, actually. (Look for "open kimono.")
Yes, there are some reasons, but no critical reason. This is mostly a cultural aspect of programming in Python. Frankly, it could be the other way, too - but it is not. Also, you could just as easily ask the other way around: why do some languages use private attributes by default? For the same main reason as for the Python practice: because it is the culture of these languages, and each choice has advantages and disadvantages.
由于已经存在这种文化,因此建议您遵循它.否则,当您在Stack Overflow中提出问题时,Python程序员会告诉您从代码中删除__
Since there already is this culture, you are well advised to follow it. Otherwise, you will get annoyed by Python programmers telling you to remove the __
from your code when you ask a question in Stack Overflow :)