I have a Form in my twig template.One of the form fields is a dropdownlist that is created from an Entity in my form builder.
我想在我的下拉列表中设置默认值,例如 id 28.
I would like to set the default value in my dropdown list, to be the id 28 for example.
我不知道如何在 twig 中执行此操作.
I don't know how to do this in twig.
{{ form_widget(form.type, {value: 28 } ) }}
But nothing changed, I still have the firs value that is by default.
我知道我可以在创建表单构建器的 FormType 类中设置默认值,但我正在寻找一种树枝方式,在我看来这比在 formType 类中创建对象更优雅.
I know that I can set a default value in the FormType class where I am creating my form builder, but I am looking for a twig way, it seems to me more elegant than to create the object in the formType class.
Ok, found my mistake, the code should be:
{{ form_widget(form.type, {value: "28" } ) }}
我忘记了 id 的引号.还有,需要CTRL+F5来刷新页面看看有什么区别.
I forgot the quotes for the id. And also, there is a need to CTRL + F5 to refresh the page and see the difference.
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