我的 ui-router 状态提供程序中有以下状态:
I have the following states in my ui-router state provider:
$urlRouterProvider.when('/parent', '/parent/child');
$stateProvider.state('parent', {
url: "/parent",
abstract: true
$stateProvider.state('parent.child', {
url: "/child"
这遵循了具有默认子状态的最佳实践,如所述此处 在 ui-router 文档中.
Which follows the best practice for having a default child state as explained here in the ui-router docs.
但是,当我现在在文档中的某处包含一个链接时,使用 ui-sref
引用父级,例如 <a ui-sref="parent">Link</a>
我总是收到一个错误,说我无法转换到抽象状态.当我在地址栏中手动输入 URL 并按 Enter 键时,一切正常.
However, when I now include a link in my document somewhere referencing parent with ui-sref
such as <a ui-sref="parent">Link</a>
I always get an error saying I cannot transition to an abstract state. When I enter the URL manually into the address bar and hit enter everything works fine.
如何将 ui-sref
How can I combine ui-sref
with default child states?
不能直接针对抽象状态.它们主要作为建立子状态的基础.它与 URL 一起工作的唯一原因是/parent 被 .when
abstract states can not be targeted directly. They mainly serve as a foundation to build child states on. The only reason it works fine with the URL is that the /parent gets caught by the .when
<a ui-sref="parent.child">
the child inside the parent gets loaded, meaning the parent will be loaded as the layer around it.
So, never target an abstract state itself. It's like having a door inside a door frame. You can only open and interact with the door (child), but never with the frame (parent) directly. However, when you interact with the door, the door and the frame are part of a system that gets loaded.
你可以给孩子一个空的 URL,这样它就不会在父状态 URL 上附加任何东西,然后就会被加载.
You can give the child an empty URL, so that it doesn't append anything to the parent state URL and will then be loaded.
See here for more info:https://github.com/angular-ui/ui-router/wiki/Nested-States-%26-Nested-Views#abstract-states
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