输入键同时触发2个事件,为什么会发生? (我需要那个控制来获得焦点,这样就不会有办法避免这个问题。)
I have a button on FORM1 that is the accept button of that form, and I press the enter key and the accept button's click event is fired, that button opens up another form (FORM2) and selects on a control. The control that gets the focus has a keydown event handler that when enter is clicked on it should do something. What happens now is that when I enter on FORM1 it causes the accept button on that forms event to fire and also the key down of the control that is getting focus on FORM2 to fire. How can I avoid the enter key to simultaneously fire 2 events, and why is it happening? (I need that control to get the focus so that would not be a way to avoid this problem.)
What you describe shouldn't happen. I have tried writing a little test program and can't replicate it.
My suspicion is that when the second form opens up and it "selects on a control" that the problem arises. How do you select the control? Can you show us some sample code? I suspect that whatever you are doing is sending a KeyDown event.