


I am implementing a WSN algorithm in Castalia. I need to calculate sensing range of the sensing device. I know I will need to use the sensing sensitivity parameter but what will be the exact equation?



The answer will vary depending on the behaviour specified by the PhysicalProcess module used. Since you say in your comment that you may be using the CarsPhysicalProcess let's use that as an example.


A sensor reading request initiated by the application is first sent to the SensorManager via a SensorReadingMessage message. In SensorManager.cc you can see how this is processed in its handleMessage function:

    SensorReadingMessage *rcvPacket =check_and_cast<SensorReadingMessage*>(msg);
    int sensorIndex = rcvPacket->getSensorIndex();

    simtime_t currentTime = simTime();
    simtime_t interval = currentTime - sensorlastSampleTime[sensorIndex];
    int getNewSample = (interval < minSamplingIntervals[sensorIndex]) ? 0 : 1;

    if (getNewSample) { //the last request for sample was more than minSamplingIntervals[sensorIndex] time ago
        PhysicalProcessMessage *requestMsg =
            new PhysicalProcessMessage("sample request", PHYSICAL_PROCESS_SAMPLING);
        requestMsg->setSrcID(self); //insert information about the ID of the node
        requestMsg->setSensorIndex(sensorIndex);    //insert information about the index of the sensor

        // send the request to the physical process (using the appropriate
        // gate index for the respective sensor device )
        send(requestMsg, "toNodeContainerModule", corrPhyProcess[sensorIndex]);

        // update the most recent sample times in sensorlastSampleTime[]
        sensorlastSampleTime[sensorIndex] = currentTime;
    } else {    // send back the old sample value

        send(rcvPacket, "toApplicationModule");

如您所见,它的作用是首先计算出自从该传感器的最后一个传感器读取请求以来经过了多少时间.如果时间少于此传感器可能的minSamplingInterval指定的时间(这由SensorManager的maxSampleRates NED参数确定),则它仅返回给定的最后一个传感器读数.如果更大,则会重新读取传感器读数.

As you can see, what it's doing is first working out how much time has elapsed since the last sensor reading request for this sensor. If it's less time than specified by the minSamplingInterval possible for this sensor (this is determined by the maxSampleRates NED parameter of the SensorManager), it just returns the last sensor reading given. If it's greater, a new sensor reading is made.


A new sensor reading is made by sending a PhysicalProcessMessage message to the PhysicalProcess module (via the toNodeContainerModule gate). In the message we pass the X and Y coordinates of the node.


Now, if we have specified CarsPhysicalProcess as the physical process to be used in our omnetpp.ini file, the CarsPhysicalProcess module will receive this message. You can see this in CarsPhysicalProcess.cc:

    PhysicalProcessMessage *phyMsg = check_and_cast < PhysicalProcessMessage * >(msg);

    // get the sensed value based on node location
        phyMsg->getXCoor(), phyMsg->getYCoor(), phyMsg->getSendingTime()));
    // Send reply back to the node who made the request
    send(phyMsg, "toNode", phyMsg->getSrcID());


You can see that we calculate a sensor value based on the X and Y coordinates of the node, and the time at which the sensor reading was made. The response is sent back to the SensorManager via the toNode gate. So we need to look at the calculateScenarioReturnValue function to understand what's going on:

double CarsPhysicalProcess::calculateScenarioReturnValue(const double &x_coo,
                    const double &y_coo, const simtime_t &stime)
    double retVal = 0.0f;
    int i;
    double linear_coeff, distance, x, y;

    for (i = 0; i < max_num_cars; i++) {
        if (sources_snapshots[i][1].time >= stime) {
            linear_coeff = (stime - sources_snapshots[i][0].time) /
                (sources_snapshots[i][1].time - sources_snapshots[i][0].time);
            x = sources_snapshots[i][0].x + linear_coeff *
                (sources_snapshots[i][1].x - sources_snapshots[i][0].x);
            y = sources_snapshots[i][0].y + linear_coeff *
                (sources_snapshots[i][1].y - sources_snapshots[i][0].y);
            distance = sqrt((x_coo - x) * (x_coo - x) +
             (y_coo - y) * (y_coo - y));
            retVal += pow(K_PARAM * distance + 1, -A_PARAM) * car_value;
    return retVal;

我们从传感器的返回值0开始.然后我们遍历行驶中的每辆汽车(如果您查看handleMessage函数中的TIMER_SERVICE case语句,您会看到CarsPhysicalProcess将汽车驶入根据car_interarrival比率随机选择道路,最大数量为max_num_cars个汽车).对于每辆汽车,我们都会计算汽车沿着道路行驶的距离,然后计算汽车与节点之间的距离.然后,根据以下公式,为每辆车添加返回值:

We start with a sensor return value of 0. Then we loop over every car that is on the road (if you look at the TIMER_SERVICE case statement in the handleMessage function, you will see that CarsPhysicalProcess puts cars on the road randomly according to the car_interarrival rate, up to a maximum of max_num_cars number of cars). For every car, we calculate how far the car has travelled down the road, and then calculate the distance between the car and the node. Then for each car we add to the return value based on the formula:

pow(K_PARAM * distance + 1, -A_PARAM) * car_value

其中distance是我们计算的汽车与节点之间的距离,K_PARAM = 0.1A_PARAM = 1(在CarsPhysicalProcess.cc的顶部定义),而car_value是在CarsPhysicalProcess.ned中指定的数字.参数文件(默认为30).

Where distance is the distance we have calculated between the car and the node, K_PARAM = 0.1, A_PARAM = 1 (defined at the top of CarsPhysicalProcess.cc) and car_value is a number specified in the CarsPhysicalProcess.ned parameter file (default is 30).


This value is passed back to the SensorManager. The SensorManager then may change this value depending on the sensitivity, resolution, noise and bias of the sensor (defined as SensorManager parameters):

    PhysicalProcessMessage *phyReply = check_and_cast<PhysicalProcessMessage*>(msg);
    int sensorIndex = phyReply->getSensorIndex();
    double theValue = phyReply->getValue();

    // add the sensor's Bias and the random noise
    theValue += sensorBias[sensorIndex];
    theValue += normal(0, sensorNoiseSigma[sensorIndex], 1);

    // process the limitations of the sensing device (sensitivity, resoultion and saturation)
    if (theValue < sensorSensitivity[sensorIndex])
        theValue = sensorSensitivity[sensorIndex];
    if (theValue > sensorSaturation[sensorIndex])
        theValue = sensorSaturation[sensorIndex];

    theValue = sensorResolution[sensorIndex] * lrint(theValue / sensorResolution[sensorIndex]);


So you can see that if the value is below the sensitivity of the sensor, the floor of the sensitivity is returned.


So basically you can see that there is no specific 'sensing range' in Castalia - it all depends on how the specific PhysicalProcess handles the message. In the case of CarsPhysicalProcess, as long as there is a car on the road, it will always return a value, regardless of the distance - it just might be very small if the car is a long distance away from the node. If the value is very small, you may receive the lowest sensor sensitivity instead. You could increase or decrease the car_value parameter to get a stronger response from the sensor (so this is kind of like a sensor range)

编辑--- 默认灵敏度(您可以在SensorManager.ned中找到)为0.因此,对于CarsPhysicalProcess,应该检测道路上任何距离的任何汽车,并将其返回为大于0的值.换句话说,范围是无限的.如果汽车距离非常非常远,它可能会返回一个很小的数字,该数字会被截断为零(这取决于c ++实现中double值的精度限制)

EDIT---The default sensitivity (which you can find in SensorManager.ned) is 0. Therefore for CarsPhysicalProcess, any car on the road at any distance should be detected and returned as a value greater than 0. In other words, there is an unlimited range. If the car is very, very far away it may return a number so small it becomes truncated to zero (this depends on the limits in precision of a double value in the implementation of c++)


If you wanted to implement a sensing range, you would have to set a value for devicesSensitivity in SensorManager.ned. Then in your application, you would test to see if the returned value is greater than the sensitivity value - if it is, the car is 'in range', if it is (almost) equal to the sensitivity it is out of range. I say almost because (as we have seen earlier) the SensorManager adds noise to the value returned, so for example if you have a sensitivity value of 5, and no cars, you will get values which will hover slightly around 5 (e.g. 5.0001, 4.99)


With a sensitivity value set, to calculate the sensing range (assuming only 1 car on the road), this means simply solving the equation above for distance, using the minimum sensitivity value as the returned value. i.e. if we use a sensitivity value of 5:

 5 = pow(K_PARAM * distance + 1, -A_PARAM) * car_value


Substitute values for the parameters, and use algebra to solve for distance.


05-29 14:47