我在太平洋标准时间在 Windows 上使用具有最新更新级别的 CF10.我需要一个返回 0 的 datecompare()
组合,但自从 Adobe 决定 改变DateConvert()
I'm using CF10 with latest update level on Windows in Pacific Standard Time. I need a datecompare()
combination that returns 0 but I cannot get it to behave every since Adobe decided to change the behavior of DateConvert()
and DateCompare()
<cfset filePath = getBaseTemplatePath()>
<cfset fileinfo = getFileInfo(filePath)>
<cfset lastModified = fileinfo.lastModified>
<cfset lastModifiedUTC = dateConvert("local2utc", lastModified)>
<cfset lastModifiedUTC2 = dateAdd("s", getTimezoneInfo().UtcTotalOffset, lastModified)>
<cfset lastModifiedHttpTime = getHttpTimeString(lastModified)>
<cfset parseLastModifiedHttpTimeSTD = parseDateTime(lastModifiedHttpTime)>
<cfset parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP = parseDateTime(lastModifiedHttpTime, "pop")>
lastModified (local) : #datetimeformat(lastModified, 'long')#
lastModifiedUTC : #datetimeformat(lastModifiedUTC, 'long')#
lastModifiedUTC2 : #datetimeformat(lastModifiedUTC2, 'long')#
datecompareLmUTC : #dateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, lastModifiedUTC2)# //wtf
lastModifiedHttpTime : #lastModifiedHttpTime#
parseLastModifiedHttpTimeSTD : #datetimeformat(parseLastModifiedHttpTimeSTD, 'long')#
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : #datetimeformat(parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP, 'long')#
I need a datecompare() combination that returns 0
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : #DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP)#
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC2, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : #DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC2, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP)#
CF Version : #server.coldfusion.productVersion#, update level: #server.coldfusion.updatelevel#
lastModified (local) : September 11, 2015 7:10:23 PM PDT
lastModifiedUTC : September 12, 2015 2:10:23 AM UTC
lastModifiedUTC2 : September 15, 2015 4:58:22 PM PDT
datecompareLmUTC : -1 //wtf
lastModifiedHttpTime : Sat, 12 Sep 2015 02:10:23 GMT
parseLastModifiedHttpTimeSTD : September 12, 2015 2:10:23 AM PDT
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : September 12, 2015 2:10:23 AM UTC
I need a datecompare() combination that returns 0
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : 1
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC2, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : 1
CF Version : 10,0,17,295085, update level: 17
根据博客评论,我对 CF11 进行了一些挖掘.据我所知,初始比较失败的原因是虽然前两个日期看起来相似:
I did some digging with CF11, based on the blog comments. From what I could tell, the reason the initial comparison fails is that although the first two dates look similar:
// code
lastModifiedUTC : #DateTimeFormat(lastModifiedUTC, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
lastModifiedUTC2 : #DateTimeFormat(lastModifiedUTC2, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
// output
lastModifiedUTC : 2015-09-13 19:51:46.219 UTC
lastModifiedUTC2 : 2015-09-13 19:51:46.219 PDT
...由于时区差异,对象在内部表示不同的时间点.这就是为什么 dateCompare() 无法返回 0 的原因.(第三次比较失败的原因相同.)
... due to time zone differences, internally the objects represent a different point in time. That is why dateCompare() fails to return 0. (The third comparison fails for the same reason.)
// code
lastModifiedUTC : #lastModifiedUTC.getTime()#
lastModifiedUTC2 : #lastModifiedUTC2.getTime()#
// output
lastModifiedUTC : 1442173906219
lastModifiedUTC2 : 1442199106219
请注意,如果您将 lastModifiedUTC
Notice if you compare lastModifiedUTC
to the original (local) date, it works as expected? Despite the different time zones, both objects still represent the same point in time internally:
// code
dateCompare : #dateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, lastModified)#
lastModifiedUTC : #lastModifiedUTC.getTime()#
lastModified : #lastModified.getTime()#
lastModifiedUTC : #DateTimeFormat(lastModifiedUTC, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
lastModified : #DateTimeFormat(lastModified, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
// output
dateCompare : 0
lastModifiedUTC : 1442173906219
lastModified : 1442173906219
lastModifiedUTC : 2015-09-13 19:51:46.219 UTC
lastModified : 2015-09-13 12:51:46.219 PDT
第二次比较失败返回 0,因为两个日期的毫秒值不同.与文件日期不同,POP 日期是通过解析不包含毫秒的字符串创建的,因此日期部分始终为零.由于 dateCompare() 执行完整比较(包括毫秒),因此两个日期不相等.
The second comparison fails to return 0 because the two dates have different millisecond values. Unlike the file date, the POP date was created by parsing a string that does not contain milliseconds, so that date part is always zero. Since dateCompare() performs a full comparison (including milliseconds) the two dates are not equal.
// code
lastModifiedUTC : #DateTimeFormat(lastModifiedUTC, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : #DateTimeFormat(parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP, "yyyy-mm-dd HH:nn:ss.L zzz")#
lastModifiedUTC : #lastModifiedUTC.getTime()#
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : #parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP.getTime()#
datePart(lastModifiedUTC) : #datePart("l", lastModifiedUTC)#
datePart(parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : #datePart("l", parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP)#
// output
lastModifiedUTC : 2015-09-13 19:51:46.219 UTC
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : 2015-09-13 19:51:46.0 UTC
lastModifiedUTC : 1442173906219
parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP : 1442173906000
datePart(lastModifiedUTC) : 219
datePart(parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP) : 0
但是,请注意,这意味着如果您跳过毫秒并且只比较秒"即 dateCompare(date1, date2, "s")
However, on a good note, that means the comparison works if you skip the milliseconds and only compare down to the "second" ie dateCompare(date1, date2, "s")
// code
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP, "s") : #DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP, "s")#
// output
DateCompare(lastModifiedUTC, parseLastModifiedHttpTimePOP, "s") : 0
顺便说一句,我不确定 Adobe 为何选择更改像 UTC 日期这样关键的行为.不幸的是,除了博客中提到的选项之外,我不知道您可以做很多事情评论 a) 更改 jvm 时区或 b) 创建您自己的 dateConvert 版本并改用它.
As an aside, I am not sure why Adobe chose to change the behavior of something as critical as UTC dates .. Unfortunately, I do not know that there is much you can do about it other than the options mentioned in the blog comments a) Change the jvm time zone or b) create your own version of dateConvert and use that instead.
这篇关于如何让 DateCompare() 在 ColdFusion 10 中运行?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!