我已经编译使用Android NDK工具链二元,并在尝试将它部署到一个设备上。其中已建成使用NDK使用JNI的应用程序将执行通过本地code这个二进制文件。我希望避免生根设备。
I've compiled a binary using the Android NDK toolchain, and am attempting to deploy it to a device. An application which has been built with the NDK using JNI will then execute this binary via native code. I'm hoping to avoid rooting the device.
The binary will be used by multiple applications, so I'd like to store it in a shared location, rather than once per application.
我无法找到一个合适的位置来部署这个二进制文件 - 这是我试过的地方:
I can't find an appropriate location to deploy this binary to - these are the places I've tried:
的/ mnt / SD卡 - 使用的 getExternalStoragePublicDirectory()的从SDK,但是SD卡安装为NOEXEC,这意味着我不能运行它。
/mnt/sdcard - using getExternalStoragePublicDirectory() from the SDK, however the SD card is mounted as noexec, meaning I can't run it.
/系统/斌 - 只读文件系统,因此无法复制。我可以使用亚行推推的文件,如果我重新安装/系统仿真器上使用:
/system/bin - read-only file system, so can't copy. I can push the file using adb push if I remount /system on the emulator using:
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /dev/block/mtd3 /system
However I'd like to avoid this, as the device would need to be rooted.
/数据/本地 - 亚行使用推,我可以二进制推到这个位置。不过,我似乎无法找到一种方法,在code要做到这一点(使用Android SDK)。内部存储机制分的 /数据/数据/包的
/data/local - using adb push, I can push the binary to this location. However, I can't seem to find a way to do this in code (using the Android SDK). The internal storage mechanism points to /data/data/package.
我编译的本地code调用该可执行文件,使用的 ARM-Linux的androideabi-G ++ 的随NDK工具链。这适用于二进制的 /系统/斌的和的 /数据/本地的。
I've compiled native code which calls this executable, using arm-linux-androideabi-g++ shipped with the NDK toolchain. This works with the binary in /system/bin and /data/local.
In summary, I'm looking for a location in the Android file system to which I can copy a file from the project /assets folder, which world-executable permissions are possible.
If you want to avoid rooting the device then basically SD card is the only place you can assume is world writeable (EDIT: mind recent changes in Android framework as of 2014/2015!). It's better to make your binary part of installable APK which then extract this binary out of APK into private storage, make it world executable etc and somehow announce binary location, but in general expect some problems depending on OS version and vendor