

我已经在本地计算机上创建了一个asp.net Web应用程序,并将其部署到sharepoint.为此,我指的是以下

I have created an asp.net web application on my local machine and I am deploying it to sharepoint. For that I am refereing the following

在Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts文件夹中部署ASP.NET Web应用程序[ http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc297200.aspx]

Deploying ASP.NET Web Applications in the Windows SharePoint Services 3.0 _layouts Folder[http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc297200.aspx]


Its works perfect on my local machine but when I was trying to deploy the same on clients machine it was giving me the "An unexpected error has occurred." Error.

方案是,在客户端计算机上未安装Visual Studio,因此,我要做的只是将我的解决方案文件夹与bin文件夹一起复制到12'hives LAYOUT文件夹中.然后,当我尝试通过点击URL

The scenario is, There is not visual studio install on my clients machine so what I was doing is I simply copying my solution folder in 12'hives LAYOUT folder along with the bin folder. Then when I was try to access it by hitting the URL

http://[machineName]/_layouts/[MyCustomFolder]/default.aspx 这给了我上面提到的错误.

http://[machineName]/_layouts/[MyCustomFolder]/default.aspx it was giving me the error mention above.


Can anyone help me to solve this issue..?Thanks in advance..




Unexpected error might be anything, You need to see what is the root cause of the Error,

  1. 打开IIS SharePoint网站的Web.Config文件
  2. 搜索CallStack并将其更改为CallStack ="true"
  3. 搜索CustomError并将其更改为CustomError ="Off"
  4. 浏览页面,您将了解导致错误的实际问题
  5. 您可以自己纠正它,就像丢失dll一样简单


05-29 11:03