

因此,我决定对HTC设备的AOSP ROM缺陷进行一些处理,并自己构建一个.

So, I decided to do something about the AOSP ROM deficiency of my HTC device and build one of my own.

我有HTCDev的内核源归档文件,该文件作为内核源.zip文件和一个platform.zip文件(其中进一步包含"development"和"external"目录).这与Sony的设备不同,Sony的设备已经托管在GitHub上,具有所需的配置以及对构建自己的AOSP ROM很有帮助的指南.对于HTC,我不知道该去哪里.

I have the kernel source archive from HTCDev, which as the kernel source .zip and a platform.zip file in it (which further has the 'development' and 'external' directories in it). This is unlike Sony's devices, which are already hosted on GitHub with the required configurations and a very helpful guide to building your own AOSP ROM. For HTC, I am not understanding what goes where.


I have followed the Sony guide to the point where I need to download around 10GB of source code, that unpacks into some 29GB of it.

所以,这是我的问题.有人可以帮助我了解HTC来源的内容吗? HTCDev源文件是否足以为该设备启用香草AOSP构建?

So, here's my question.. Can anyone help me understand what goes where from the HTC source? Is the HTCDev source file enough to enable a vanilla AOSP build for the device?


I have searched the web like a madman but found absolutely nothing on how to build AOSP for HTC. All I get from people are XDA-U links that aren't too helpful to me because of my lack of understanding. Please help!




A lot of work goes into building a custom ROM for a device. Many proprietary binaries, which you probably won't find in your source from HTC, need to be merged into the build as well as creating the correct configuration.

我建议您先为您的设备查看构建CyanogenMod 完成了为新设备设定基准所需的大量工作.熟悉Cyanogenmod构建后,您应该可以开始为设备构建AOSP.

I suggest you look at building CyanogenMod for your device first as they may have already done a lot of the leg work required for baselining new devices. After you get comfortable with Cyanogenmod builds, you should be able to start building AOSP for your device.


You will also be able to ask more specific questions in the correct forum on XDA once you get the basics down.


05-29 10:59