


I've been using IIFE in JavaScript and in AngularJS and have been using the following structure:


//IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression
(function () {



However, I've seen the following often where a variable is assigned to the IIFE


//IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression assigned to doStuff variable
var doStuff = (function () {


注意:关于此模式是什么或IIFE是的问题.这与为什么要在IIFE上使用返回变量 及其与Angular实践的关系有关.

NOTE: This question is NOT about what this pattern is or what an IIFE is. This is pertaining specifically to why one would use a return variable on an IIFE and its relation to Angular practices as well.


In Angular Method 1 works fine, but in many of the raw JS examples I see, Method 2 is used. My assumption is that anything encasulated in doStuff will be avliable via it and callable. However, I'm not 100% sure on the exact reasoning or distinction between the 2 methods and need some help understanding when to use the different methods?


方法2的原因是,您会在IIFE中找到返回的代码(通常,但不一定,对象或函数). IIFE返回的是最终被分配的东西.例如:

The reason for Method #2 is that you'll find code within the IIFE that returns something (typically, but not necessarily, an object or a function). What the IIFE returns is what ends up being assigned. E.g.:

//IIFE Immediately Invoked Function Expression assigned to doStuff variable
var doStuff = (function () {
    var privateInformationForDoStuff = 0;

    function doStuff() {

    return doStuff;

在那里,变量最终是对函数的引用,该函数每次被调用时,都会给我们一个比上一次更高的数字. IIFE可以确保没有任何东西可以修改privateInformationForDoStuff变量,因为它完全是doStuff函数的私有变量.

There, the variable ends up being a reference to a function that, each time it's called, gives us a number higher than the previous time. The IIFE is there to ensure that nothing can modify the privateInformationForDoStuff variable, it's entirely private to the doStuff function.


The common use of this is to create objects with various functions on them, sometimes called modules, which might also have private information that's only shared within the "module":

var MyApp = (function() {
    var privateModuleInformation;
    var morePrivateModuleInformation;
    // ...

    function doThis() {
        // ...

    function doThat() {
        // ...

    function doTheOther() {
        // ...

    return {
        doThis: doThis,
        doThat: doThat,
        doTheOther: doTheOther


05-29 09:41