I'm writing a function that calculates the value of PI, and returns it as a double. So far so good. But once the function gets to 14 digits after the decimal place, it can't hold any more. I'm assuming this is because of the double's limited precision. What should I do to continue getting more numbers after the decimal place?
I wouldn't do it in floating point at all.
Recall that your algorithm is:
(1 + 1 / (2 * 1 + 1)) *
(1 + 2 / (2 * 2 + 1)) *
(1 + 3 / (2 * 3 + 1)) *
(1 + 4 / (2 * 4 + 1)) *
(1 + 5 / (2 * 5 + 1)) *
(1 + 6 / (2 * 6 + 1)) *
(1 + 7 / (2 * 7 + 1)) * ...
Every stage along the way you compute a fraction. Why not simply keep that fraction in its numerator / denominator form? The fraction you want to compute is:
(4 / 3) *
(7 / 5) *
(10 / 7) *
(13 / 9) * ...
这仅仅是4 * 7 * 10 * 13 ...上的顶部和底部3 * 5 * 7 * 9。
which is just 4 * 7 * 10 * 13 ... on the top and 3 * 5 * 7 * 9 on the bottom.
让自己的BigInteger类(一个船舶与System.Numerics 4.0框架),你可以很容易地计算的分子和分母,只要你想大的作为。然后你只需商转换为十进制的问题。嗯,这是很容易。大概的你知道该怎么做长除法的。只实现上吐出的数字所需数量的分子和分母的长除法算法。
Get yourself a BigInteger class (one ships with the 4.0 framework in System.Numerics) and you can easily compute the numerator and denominator as big as you want. Then you just have the problem of converting the quotient to decimal. Well that's easy enough. Presumably you know how to do long division. Just implement a long division algorithm on the numerator and denominator that spits out the desired number of digits.