


I have this method that validates a password:

 * Checks if the given password is valid.
 * @param password The password to validate.
 * @return {@code true} if the password is valid, {@code false} otherwise.
public static boolean validatePassword(String password) {
    int len = password.length();
    if (len < 8 || len > 20)
        return false;
    boolean hasLetters = false;
    boolean hasDigits = false;
    for (int i=0; i<len; i++) {
        if (!Character.isLetterOrDigit(password.charAt(i)))
            return false;
        hasDigits = hasDigits || Character.isDigit(password.charAt(i));
        hasLetters = hasLetters || Character.isLetter(password.charAt(i));
    return hasDigits && hasLetters;


Let's focus on the cyclomatic complexity number: what is its value?

Metrics 1.3.6 说是 7,但我真的找不到 7 个独立路径:我只找到 5!而 Wikipedia 并没有多大帮助—我想如何使用这个公式 π-s + 2?

Metrics 1.3.6 says it's 7, but I cannot really find seven independent paths: I only find 5! And Wikipedia didn't help out much—how am I suppose to use this formula π - s + 2?

我有 2 个 if、1 个 for 和 3 个退出点,但我卡住了:我必须计算进入点吗?由于第一个 if 有两个条件,我应该计算两次吗?

I have 2 if's, 1 for and 3 exit points but I'm stuck: do I have to count the entry point? Should I count twice the first if since it has two conditions?

好的,现在我发现圈数是 7.这意味着有 7 个独立的路径,所以如果我想覆盖 100% 的代码,我应该能够找到 7 个不同的测试用例,对吗?

Ok, now I found out that Cyclomatic Number is 7. This means that there are 7 independent paths and so I should be able to find 7 different test cases if I would to cover 100% of code, am I right?


Well, I still cannot found the last one!I found these:

  1. 有效:asdf1234
  2. 太短:asdf123
  3. 太长:asdfsgihzasweruihioruldhgobaihgfuiosbhrbgtadfhsdrhuorhguozr
  4. 无效字符:asdf*123
  5. 全数字:12345678
  6. 无数字:asdfghjk
  7. wtf???



I think the trick is that the logical operators are counted.

基于您在 McCabe 下的 Metrics 链接 (http://metrics.sourceforge.net/)圈复杂度部分:

Based off of your Metrics link (http://metrics.sourceforge.net/) under the McCabe Cyclomatic Complexity section:

1 初始流程

3 个决策点(如果、为、如果)

3 decision points (if,for,if)

3 个条件逻辑运算符 (||,||,||)

3 conditional logic operators (||,||,||)



05-29 08:44