In a recent post on http://wtfjs.com/. An author writes following without explanation which happens to be true.
0 === -0 //returns true
My understanding about === operator is it returns true if operands point to same object.
此外, - 运算符返回对操作数负值的引用。根据这个规则,0和-0不应该相同。
Also, - operator returns a reference to negative value of operand. With this rule, 0 and -0 should not be the same.
那么,为什么0 === -0?
So, why is 0 === -0 ?
实际上,即使在位级别,0和-0也不相同。但是,有一个特殊情况为+/- 0实现,因此它们相等。
In fact, 0 and -0 are not the same even at the bit level. However, there is a special case implemented for +/-0 so they compare as equal.
The === operator compares by value when applied to primitive numbers.
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