我正在用 C++ 读取 CSV 文件,行格式如下:
I'm reading a CSV file in C++ and the row format is as such:
小学,中学,第三",主要",,中学",18, 4, 0, 0, 0
"Primary, Secondary, Third", "Primary", , "Secondary", 18, 4, 0, 0, 0
while (std::getline(ss, csvElement, ',')) {
This splits up the first string into pieces which isn't correct.
How do I preserve the string when iterating? I tried to do a combination of the above and while also grabbing the lines separated by double quote but I got wild results.
您需要根据是否在引号之间来解释逗号.这对于 getline()
You need to interpret the comma depending on whether you're betwwen the quote or not. This is too complexfor getline()
解决方案是使用 getline()
The solution would be to read the full line with getline()
, and parse the line by iterating through the string character by character, and maintaing an indicator whether you're between double quotes or not.
Here is a first "raw" example (double quotes are not removed in the fields and escape characters are not interpreted):
string line;
while (std::getline(cin, line)) { // read full line
const char *mystart=line.c_str(); // prepare to parse the line - start is position of begin of field
bool instring{false};
for (const char* p=mystart; *p; p++) { // iterate through the string
if (*p=='"') // toggle flag if we're btw double quote
instring = !instring;
else if (*p==',' && !instring) { // if comma OUTSIDE double quote
csvColumn.push_back(string(mystart,p-mystart)); // keep the field
mystart=p+1; // and start parsing next one
csvColumn.push_back(string(mystart)); // last field delimited by end of line instead of comma
这篇关于带有逗号和双引号内的字符串的 C++ CSV 行的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!