

谁会在意向我解释如何 this.oBalance.QouteBalance 的价值被评估为真为小于零,当它显然不是?请参见下图。

Would anyone care to explain to me how the value of this.oBalance.QouteBalance is evaluated to be true for being less than zero when it clearly isn't? Please see image below.


Am I missing something fundamental when it comes to comparing doubles in C#??

public double QouteBalance { get; set; }


UpdateBalance_PositionOpenned() is not being called in a loop, but is being called as part of a more complex event driven procedure that runs on the ticks of a timer (order of milliseconds)


Pardon the code if it's messy but I couldn't edit it as this was a run-time error after quite a long run-time so was afraid wouldn't be able to recreate it. The Exception message is not correct and just a reminder for myself. The code after the exception is code I forgot to comment out before starting this particular run.



EDIT 3: Pardon my ignorance, but it would seem that I am in fact running in a multi-threaded environment since this code is being called as part of a more complex object method that gets executed on the ticks (Events) of a timer. Would it possible to ask the timer to wait until all code inside its event handler has finished before it can tick again?


EDIT 4: Since this has been established to be a multi-threading issue; I will try to give wider context to arrive at an optimized solution.


I have a Timer object, which executes the following on every tick:

  1. 运行后台工作,以从文件中读取数据
  2. 当后台工作完成后,从文件中读取数据,引发事件
  3. 在事件处理程序,运行目标code调用下面的方法(中图)和其他多种程序,包括图形用户界面的更新。
  1. Run a background worker to read data from file
  2. When background worker finishes reading data from file, raise anEvent
  3. In the event handler, run object code that calls the method below(in the image) and other multiple routines, including GUI updates.


I suppose this problem can be avoided by using the timer Tick events to read the from file but changing this will break other parts of my code.



You're accessing shared variables from multiple threads. It's probably a race condition where one thread has thrown the error but by the time the debugger has caught and attached, the variable's value has changed.


You would need to look at implementing synchronizing logic like locking around the shared variables, etc.


Edit: To answer your edit:


You can't really tell the timer to not tick (well you can, but then you're starting and stopping and even after calling Stop you might still receive a few more events depending on how fast they are being dispatched). That said, you could look at Interlocked namespace and use it to set and clear and IsBusy flag. If your tick method fires and sees you're already working, it just sits out that round and waits for a future tick to handle work. I wouldn't say it's a great paradigm but it's an option.


The reason I specify using the Interlocked class versus just using a shared variable against comes down to the fact you're access from multiple threads at once. If you're not using Interlocked, you could get two ticks both checking the value and getting an answer they can proceed before they've flipped the flag to keep others out. You'd hit the same problem.


The more traditional way of synchronizing access to shared data member is with locking but you'll quickly run into problems with the tick events firing too quickly and they'll start to back up on you.

编辑2 :要回答你有关的方法,对多个线程共享变量的同步数据的问题,它实际上取决于你在做什么特别。我们有一个非常小的窗口,进入你的应用程序在做,所以我要去这个拼凑在一起,希望所有的意见,并回答它会通知你的设计选择。

Edit 2: To answer your question about an approach to synchronizing the data with shared variables on multiple threads, it really depends on what you're doing specifically. We have a very small window into what your application is doing so I'm going to piece this together from all the comments and answers in hopes it will inform your design choice.


What follows is pseudo-code. This is based on a question you asked which suggests you don't need to do work on every tick. The tick itself isn't important, it just needs to keep coming in. Based on that premise, we can use a flagging system to check if you're busy.


public void Handle_Tick(...)
    //Check to see if we're already busy. We don't need to "pump" the work if
    //we're already processing.
    if (IsBusy)

        IsBusy = true;

        //Perform your work
        IsBusy = false;


In this case, IsBusy could be a volatile bool, it could be accessed with Interlocked namespace methods, it could be a locking, etc. What you choose is up to you.


If this premise is incorrect and you do in fact have to do work with every tick of the timer, this won't work for you. You're throwing away ticks that come in when you're busy. You'd need to implement a synchronized queue if you wanted to keep hold of every tick that came in. If your frequency is high, you'll have to be careful as you'll eventually overflow.


05-29 07:38