I originally thought that the renderer process in Electron was sandboxed in a chrome-like environment, meaning all you can do is mess with the DOM. However, I recently learned that you can access the filesystem, run child processes and get their output, and import any other node modules you want.
If this is the case, what exactly is the distinction between the main process and the renderer process? Is it not a hard separation? What kind of code goes in the main process and what kind of code goes in the renderer process?
If anyone has a good in-depth reading/presentation on Electron app architecture I would love to look at that too; might help clear up some of the confusion
The main/renderer process distinction isn't actually an Electron concept per se -- it's inherited from Chromium (here's an article on Chromium's architecture and the reasoning behind it). This is the architecture that Chrome uses for performance and stability reasons. Each webContents instance runs in it's own process (a "renderer" process). The main process (there can only be one of these) manages webContents instances, among other things.
There's a good discussion here on the differences between the two.
某些API仅在一个或另一个进程中可用,这可以帮助您了解逻辑在哪里。例如,只能从渲染器进程创建通知(使用HTML5接口,但已实现为本机通知)。 只能在主菜单中调用处理。仔细阅读Electron模块的API文档,看看结果如何。您可以使用,模块,或来协调两个过程(您使用哪个过程取决于您的用例)。
Some APIs are only available in one process or the other, which can help you get a sense of what logic goes where. For example, Notifications (uses the HTML5 interface but are implemented as native notifications) can only be created from a renderer process. The Menu class can only be called from within the main process. Read through the Electron modules' API docs and see what goes where. You can use IPC, remote module, or electron-remote to coordinate between the two processes (which one you use depends on your use case).
I would say it is a "hard" separation. They're all separate processes and thus don't share any resources or state. This is a paradigm shift for most JS devs I think (at least it was for me). For example if I had a stateful module that I set some state in in the main process, and then I required that module in the renderer, that state won't be there. They're two entirely different instances of that module. Sharing state like that would probably be best in the main process and then either use one of the methods described above to share that state between renderer processes.
Shawn Rakowski说得很好(在下面的评论中):将处理平台基础结构代码的代码(例如,创建窗口,注册全局快捷方式等)放在Main流程和特定于应用程序中可能是一个好规则代码(您的应用程序实际在执行的操作)。
Shawn Rakowski said it well (in comments below): "It may be a good rule to put code dealing with the platform infrastructure code (i.e. creating windows, registering global shortcuts, etc) in the Main process and application specific code (what your app is actually doing) in the Renderer processes."
在Electron中,您可以采用很多方法,因为 fs 模块(以及所有的node.js模块)。
There's lots of approaches you can take to this in Electron because the
module (and all node.js modules) are available to you in the renderer process.
If you're only dealing with one browser window instance and not doing CPU intensive parsing, I would say run all the
related code in that renderer process instance. That's the simplest way.
If you're doing CPU intensive work on these files, you don't want to lock up the UI, which means you can't do your processing browser window renderer, and you can't do it in the main (this will lock up all your renderers!). So I would look into something like electron-remote or create an invisible browser window instance that runs the heavy lifting.
This article about the main and renderer processes talks about these topics more in-depth (disclosure: I wrote that).