本文介绍了在 Electron 中使用 ipc 从渲染器设置全局变量的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




ipcRenderer.sendSync('setGlobal', 'globalVarName').varInner.varInner2 = 'result';


global.globalVarName = {
  varInner: {
    varInner2: ''
  iWontChange: 'hi'

ipcMain.on('setGlobal', (event, arg) => {
  console.log(arg) // should print "result"
  // what goes here?

console.log(varInner2) // should print "result"


Is something like this possible, namely setting the varInner2 of globalVarName in this manner? Secondly, is there a way to optimize this so we wouldn't have to rewrite this process for every global variable (i.e. some way to do this with dynamic variable names)?


I appreciate any ideas or solutions, sorry if this is a common sense question.



当您只对读取全局变量的值感兴趣时,使用 getGlobal 非常有用.但是,我发现尝试使用 getGlobal 分配或更改其值是有问题的.

Use IPC to Set the Global's Value.

Using getGlobal works great when you're only interested in reading the value of the global variable. However, I found that trying to assign or change its value using getGlobal to be problematic.

在我的例子中,我发现主进程上的全局变量并没有真正改变.具体来说,在开发中刷新 Electron 窗口时,全局变量被设置回原来的值.这使得在发展中恢复状态成为一个问题.

In my case, I found that the global variable on the Main process didn't actual change. Specifically, when refreshing the Electron window in development, the global variables were set back to their original value. This made restoring state in development an issue.


Not sure if this also was occurring in production, but I imagine it would, so spinning up new processes that relied on up-to-date values of global variables would be problematic.

相反,我最终使用了 ipcMainipcRenderer 更详细的方法.

Instead, I ended up using the more verbose method of ipcMain and ipcRenderer.


const { ipcMain } = require( "electron" );

ipcMain.on( "setMyGlobalVariable", ( event, myGlobalVariableValue ) => {
  global.myGlobalVariable = myGlobalVariableValue;
} );


const { ipcRenderer, remote } = require( "electron" );

// Set MyGlobalVariable.
ipcRenderer.send( "setMyGlobalVariable", "Hi There!" );

// Read MyGlobalVariable.
remote.getGlobal( "MyGlobalVariable" ); // => "Hi There!"

这篇关于在 Electron 中使用 ipc 从渲染器设置全局变量的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 05:46