


I'm trying to understand the example for mrjob better

from mrjob.job import MRJob
class MRWordFrequencyCount(MRJob):

    def mapper(self, _, line):
        yield "chars", len(line)
        yield "words", len(line.split())
        yield "lines", 1

    def reducer(self, key, values):
        yield key, sum(values)
if __name__ == '__main__':


$ python word_count.py my_file.txt


and it works as expected but I don't get how it automatically knows that it's going to read a text file and split it by each line. and I'm not sure what the _ does either.


From what I understand, the mapper() generates the three key/value pairs for each line correct? What if I want to work with each file in a folder?


And the reducer() automatically know how to add each key's values up?

如果我想通过map reduce运行单元测试,那么mapper和reducer会是什么样?甚至有必要吗?

What if I want to run unit tests via map reduce, what would the mapper and reducer look like? Is it even necessary?


mapper方法接收已从输入文本中解析出的键/值对. mrjob使用Hadoop流,将每个输入文本用换行符分隔,然后根据使用的输入协议将每行分成键/值对.框架为您解决了这一问题,因此您无需执行任何繁重的工作.您可以假设您将获得适当的关键和价值.

The mapper method receives a key-value pair already parsed out from input text. mrjob uses Hadoop streaming, and each input text is divided by the new line character and then each line is split into key-value pair based on an input protocol in use. That's something the framework takes care of for you, so you don't have to do any heavy lifting; you can just assume you will get proper key and value.


However, you do need to specify what kind of input text files are specified. For example, if the key and/or value are not plain text (as in the original question) but serialized JSON, then you use JSONProtocol/JSONValueProtocol, etc., instead of RawValueProtocol which is the default.

对于初始映射器,每行都被读入值(通过RawValueProtocol),因此这就是为什么您不接收密钥的原因.使用_只是未使用的虚拟变量的Python约定. (但是,_实际上是Python变量的有效名称.您可以执行以下操作a = 3; _ = 2; b = a + _.亵渎神灵,不是吗?)

For the initial mapper, each line is read into value (by RawValueProtocol), so that is why you don't receive key. Using _ is just a Python convention for an unused dummy variable. (However, _ is actually a valid name for a Python variable. You can do something like this a = 3; _ = 2; b = a + _. Blasphemy, isn't it?)


mrjob can take multiple input files. You can do for example

$ python wordcount.py text1.txt text2.txt


If you want all text files as input to an mrjob job, you can do things like

$ python wordcount.py inputdir/*.txt


$ python wordcount.py inputdir


and all the files selected are used as input.

reduce接收的是一个密钥,以及与该密钥关联的所有值的迭代器.因此,如果您举个例子,reducer方法中的变量values是一个迭代器.如果要对所有值进行处理,则实际上需要对所有值进行迭代.在问题的特定示例中,内置函数sum可以将迭代器作为参数,这就是为什么您可以一次性完成它.但这实际上类似于sum([value for value in values]).

What reducer receives is a key and the iterator for all the values associated with that key. So if you example, the variable values in the reducer method is an iterator. If you want to do something over all values, you need to actually iterate over all of them. In the specific example in the question, the built-in function sum can take an iterator as an argument, and that's why you can do it in one shot. But it is effectively similar to sum([value for value in values]).


I actually don't know how you would unit test mrjob scripts. I have usually just tested on a small chunk of test data before production run.


05-29 04:25