我在运行 wordcount-like mapreduce 程序时遇到奇怪的错误.我有一个有 20 个从站的 hadoop 集群,每个从站有 4 GB RAM.我将 map 任务配置为 300MB 堆,reduce 任务槽获得 1GB.我每个节点有 2 个映射槽和 1 个减少槽.一切顺利,直到第一轮地图任务完成.然后进度保持在 100%.我想那时 复制阶段 正在发生.每个地图任务都会生成如下内容:
I am getting strange errors while running a wordcount-like mapreduce program. I have a hadoop cluster with 20 slaves, each having 4 GB RAM. I configured my map tasks to have a heap of 300MB and my reduce task slots get 1GB. I have 2 map slots and 1 reduce slot per node. Everything goes well until the first round of map tasks finishes. Then there progress remains at 100%. I suppose then the copy phase is taking place. Each map task generates something like:
Map output bytes 4,164,335,564
Map output materialized bytes 608,800,675
(我使用 SnappyCodec 进行压缩)
(I am using SnappyCodec for compression)
在停止大约一个小时后,reduce 任务出现以下异常:
After stalling for about an hour the reduce tasks crach with the following exception:
Error: java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space at
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTask$ReduceCopier$MapOutputCopier.shuffleInMemory(ReduceTask.java:1703) at
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTask$ReduceCopier$MapOutputCopier.getMapOutput(ReduceTask.java:1563) at
org.apache.hadoop.mapred.ReduceTask$ReduceCopier$MapOutputCopier.copyOutput(ReduceTask.java:1401) at
我在谷歌上搜索并找到了这个链接,但我真的不知道该怎么做:hadoop 常用链接
I was googling and found this link but I don't really know what to make of it:hadoop common link
我不明白如果 hadoop 能够执行 terasort 基准测试,为什么它会在复制和合并时遇到任何问题.不可能所有的 map 输出都应该适合 reducer 线程的 RAM.那么这里发生了什么?
I don't understand why hadoop would experience any problems in copying and merging if it is able to perform a terasort benchmark. It cannot be that all map output should fit into the RAM of the reducer thread. So what is going on here?
In the link provided above they have a discussion about tuning the following parameters:
mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.input.buffer.percent = 0.7
mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.memory.limit.percent = 0.25
mapreduce.reduce.shuffle.parallelcopies = 5
他们声称参数的乘积>1这一事实允许堆大小错误.请注意 5*1.25*0.7 仍然 <1 所以请关注我的第二个解决方案帖子!)在重新开始这个密集的模拟之前,我很高兴听到有人对我所面临的问题的看法,因为它已经困扰了将近一个星期.我似乎也不完全理解在这个复制阶段发生了什么,我希望磁盘上的合并排序不需要太多的堆大小?
They claim that the fact that the product of the parameters is >1 allows for heapsize errors. Note that 5*1.25*0.7 is still <1 so focus om my second solution post!)Before restarting this intensive simulation I would be very happy to hear about someone's opinion concerning the problem I am facing since it is bothering for almost a week now. I also seem to not completely understand what is happening in this copy phase, I'd expect a merge sort on disk not to require much heap size?
Thanks a lot in advance for any helpful comments and answers!
我认为线索是reduce 阶段几乎完全需要reduce 任务的heapsize.但是 shuffle 阶段正在争夺同一个堆空间,由此产生的冲突导致我的工作崩溃.我认为这解释了为什么如果我降低 shuffle.input.buffer.percent
I think the clue is that the heapsize of my reduce task was required almost completely for the reduce phase. But the shuffle phase is competing for the same heapspace, the conflict which arose caused my jobs to crash. I think this explains why the job no longer crashes if I lower the shuffle.input.buffer.percent
这篇关于Mapreduce shuffle 阶段内存不足错误的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!