


One of my programs uses ncurses for drawing a small tui. One of my goals is to make it rather portable to other curses implementations. This means that I want to catch a SIGWINCH issued by the terminal emulator on a resize operation myself and update my tui to adhere the changed geometry (and not depend on the resizing facilities of ncurses). Since POSIX (as far as I know) only allows access to sig_atomic_t variables within the signal handler, I set one to a different state. In the main loop, my program checks whether the state has changed and updates the tui if necessary.

但是现在,我有一个问题,当信号到达时,我的程序挂在getch中. ncurses文档指出,已处理信号永远不会中断它.这意味着在按下输入键之前,不会更改tui的大小.

But now, I have the problem that my program hangs in getch, when an signal arrives. The ncurses documentation states that handled signals never interrupt it. This means the size of the tui is not updated until an input key is pressed.


Is there any portable way to interrupt getch? My current approach is to ungetch a dummy key in the signal handler but I'm not sure if this is allowed. Actually I could not find any documentation regarding the fact whether an curses function may be used in a signal handler or not. Any idea how to correctly handle this matter?




From the FreeBSD documentation getch, interrupt getch depends of the system you are using:


I think you should consider using threads, one thread charged to use getch() and to pass datas to the main thread that treat them. You will be able to kill the thread that uses getch() when the signal SIGWINCH is sent, and to relauch it if you want. But killing the thread that uses getch() maybe useless, because the main thread isn't blocked by getch().

页面.但是在示例中,您可以使用read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, sizeof(char))而不是fgetc()来读取输入,因为如果读取失败,则返回的值是< = 0.

You can get non-blocking inputs without ncurses, as described on this page. But you can use read(STDIN_FILENO, &c, sizeof(char)) to read the input instead of fgetc() in the example, because read return a value <= 0 if it has failed.


05-29 02:48