是否可以在c ++中的qt3d中处理鼠标输入?我可以使用qt3d存储库中的示例使用qml做到这一点
Is it possible to do handle mouse input in qt3d in c++? I am able to do so using qml using a sample in the qt3d repo
但是,没有与此等效的c ++.
There isnt a c++ equivalent for this however.
尽管进行了许多尝试(即使尝试使用附加到各种小部件的事件过滤器捕获输入),我还是无法用c ++捕获鼠标事件.这个版本的qt(5.6)是否已完成qt3d的C ++鼠标输入api,还是我应该等待5.7版?
I am not able to do capture mouse events in c++ at all despite numerous attempts (even trying to capture input using event filters attached to various widgets) . Is the c++ mouse input api for qt3d complete for this version of qt (5.6) or should i wait for version 5.7?
Although this is an old question I'll provide an answer if someone needs one.
首先,总是有与QML等效的C ++.这是因为QML只是实例化了C ++类.
First of all, there always is an equivalent of C++ to QML. This is because QML simply instantiates the C++ classes.
在这种情况下,根据 QML文档,实例化 QMouseController .
In this case, according to the QML documentation, the class QMouseController is instantiated.
Looking at the rest of the code in the repo you provided, you have to create the QMouseController
as a child of the QEntity
(or don't, I think when setting it as a component the parent will be set accordingly as well) and add it as a component to said entity.
在QML代码中,此property MouseInput mouseInput
This property MouseInput mouseInput
in the QML code only adds it as an attribute to the entity (I assume). You could probably also omit adding it as an attribute and instead assign it an ID (inside the MouseInput
block) and use this ID to add it to the entity, i.e.
Entity {
id: sphere1
MouseInput {
id: mouseInput
controller: mouseController
components: [mouseInput]
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