本文介绍了如何在 Qt3D 中绘制对象的轮廓?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


如何在 Qt3D 中的任何其他对象之上绘制对象的轮廓?例如在 3D 编辑器中突出显示选定的对象?

How can I draw the outline of an object on top of any other object in Qt3D? For instance to highlight a selected object in a 3D editor?



If you want to draw the outline of an entity at all times, even if the entity is behind other entities, one solution is to do it in two steps:

  1. 照常绘制所有内容.
  2. 仅绘制所选对象的轮廓.


When drawing the outline, you need to use an outline effect, which can be implemented in two render passes:

  1. 使用简单的颜色着色器将几何图形渲染为纹理.
  2. 使用着色器渲染到屏幕,该着色器获取纹理中的每个像素并比较周围的像素.如果它们相等,我们就在对象内部并且可以丢弃片段.如果它们不同,我们就在对象的边缘,我们应该绘制颜色.


Here is a simple implementation of the above-mentioned shader:

#version 150

uniform sampler2D color;
uniform vec2 winSize;

out vec4 fragColor;

void main()

    int lineWidth = 5;

    vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordUp = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(0, lineWidth)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordDown = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(0, -lineWidth)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordRight = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(lineWidth, 0)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordLeft = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(-lineWidth, 0)) / winSize;

    vec4 col = texture(color, texCoord);
    vec4 colUp = texture(color, texCoordUp);
    vec4 colDown = texture(color, texCoordDown);
    vec4 colRight = texture(color, texCoordRight);
    vec4 colLeft = texture(color, texCoordLeft);

    if ((colUp == colDown && colRight == colLeft) || col.a == 0.0)

    fragColor = col;


Note: It might be a better idea to take the difference between the values instead of using an equality.


With this method, you don't have to worry about depth testing and the order in which the objects are drawn: The second time you draw, you will always draw on top of everything else.

您可以通过使用具有不同过滤键的两种技术添加单个效果来实现此目的.或者,如果您想使用 Qt3D.Extras 中的材质,您可以添加另一个具有相同变换和网格的实体以及使用轮廓技术的材质.

You could do this by adding a single effect with two techniques with different filter keys. Alternatively, if you want to use materials from Qt3D.Extras, you can add another entity with the same transform and mesh and a material that uses the outline technique.


Here is an example that draws the outline on top of everything else using two render passes:

import QtQuick 2.2 as QQ2
import Qt3D.Core 2.0
import Qt3D.Render 2.0
import Qt3D.Input 2.0
import Qt3D.Extras 2.0

Entity {
    Camera {
        id: camera
        projectionType: CameraLens.PerspectiveProjection
        fieldOfView: 45
        aspectRatio: 16/9
        nearPlane : 0.1
        farPlane : 1000.0
        position: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, -40.0 )
        upVector: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 )
        viewCenter: Qt.vector3d( 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 )

    OrbitCameraController {
        camera: camera

    components: [
        RenderSettings {
            activeFrameGraph: RenderSurfaceSelector {
                id: surfaceSelector
                Viewport {
                    CameraSelector {
                        camera: camera
                        FrustumCulling {
                            TechniqueFilter {
                                matchAll: [
                                    FilterKey { name: "renderingStyle"; value: "forward" }
                                ClearBuffers {
                                    clearColor: Qt.rgba(0.1, 0.2, 0.3)
                                    buffers: ClearBuffers.ColorDepthStencilBuffer
                            TechniqueFilter {
                                matchAll: [
                                    FilterKey { name: "renderingStyle"; value: "outline" }
                                RenderPassFilter {
                                    matchAny: [
                                        FilterKey {
                                            name: "pass"; value: "geometry"
                                    ClearBuffers {
                                        buffers: ClearBuffers.ColorDepthStencilBuffer
                                        RenderTargetSelector {
                                            target: RenderTarget {
                                                attachments : [
                                                    RenderTargetOutput {
                                                        objectName : "color"
                                                        attachmentPoint : RenderTargetOutput.Color0
                                                        texture : Texture2D {
                                                            id : colorAttachment
                                                            width : surfaceSelector.surface.width
                                                            height : surfaceSelector.surface.height
                                                            format : Texture.RGBA32F
                                RenderPassFilter {
                                    parameters: [
                                        Parameter { name: "color"; value: colorAttachment },
                                        Parameter { name: "winSize"; value : Qt.size(surfaceSelector.surface.width, surfaceSelector.surface.height) }
                                    matchAny: [
                                        FilterKey {
                                            name: "pass"; value: "outline"
        InputSettings { }

    PhongMaterial {
        id: material

    Material {
        id: outlineMaterial

        effect: Effect {
            techniques: [
                Technique {
                    graphicsApiFilter {
                        api: GraphicsApiFilter.OpenGL
                        majorVersion: 3
                        minorVersion: 1
                        profile: GraphicsApiFilter.CoreProfile

                    filterKeys: [
                        FilterKey { name: "renderingStyle"; value: "outline" }
                    renderPasses: [
                        RenderPass {
                            filterKeys: [
                                FilterKey { name: "pass"; value: "geometry" }
                            shaderProgram: ShaderProgram {
                                vertexShaderCode: "
#version 150 core

in vec3 vertexPosition;

uniform mat4 modelViewProjection;

void main()
    gl_Position = modelViewProjection * vec4( vertexPosition, 1.0 );

                                fragmentShaderCode: "
#version 150 core

out vec4 fragColor;

void main()
    fragColor = vec4( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0 );

    SphereMesh {
        id: sphereMesh
        radius: 3

    Transform {
        id: sphereTransform

    Transform {
        id: sphereTransform2
        // TODO workaround because the transform cannot be shared
        matrix: sphereTransform.matrix

    Entity {
        id: sphereEntity
        components: [ sphereMesh, material, sphereTransform ]

    Entity {
        id: sphereOutlineEntity
        components: [ sphereMesh, outlineMaterial, sphereTransform2 ]

    Entity {
        id: outlineQuad
        components: [
            PlaneMesh {
                width: 2.0
                height: 2.0
                meshResolution: Qt.size(2, 2)
            Transform {
                rotation: fromAxisAndAngle(Qt.vector3d(1, 0, 0), 90)
            Material {
                effect: Effect {
                    techniques: [
                        Technique {
                            filterKeys: [
                                FilterKey { name: "renderingStyle"; value: "outline" }
                            graphicsApiFilter {
                                api: GraphicsApiFilter.OpenGL
                                profile: GraphicsApiFilter.CoreProfile
                                majorVersion: 3
                                minorVersion: 1
                            renderPasses : RenderPass {
                                filterKeys : FilterKey { name : "pass"; value : "outline" }
                                shaderProgram : ShaderProgram {
                                    vertexShaderCode: "
#version 150

in vec4 vertexPosition;
uniform mat4 modelMatrix;

void main()
    gl_Position = modelMatrix * vertexPosition;

                                    fragmentShaderCode: "
#version 150

uniform sampler2D color;
uniform vec2 winSize;

out vec4 fragColor;

void main()

    int lineWidth = 5;

    vec2 texCoord = gl_FragCoord.xy / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordUp = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(0, lineWidth)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordDown = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(0, -lineWidth)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordRight = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(lineWidth, 0)) / winSize;
    vec2 texCoordLeft = (gl_FragCoord.xy + vec2(-lineWidth, 0)) / winSize;

    vec4 col = texture(color, texCoord);
    vec4 colUp = texture(color, texCoordUp);
    vec4 colDown = texture(color, texCoordDown);
    vec4 colRight = texture(color, texCoordRight);
    vec4 colLeft = texture(color, texCoordLeft);

    if ((colUp == colDown && colRight == colLeft) || col.a == 0.0)

    fragColor = col;



这篇关于如何在 Qt3D 中绘制对象的轮廓?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

05-29 02:36