有没有办法使用自动调整大小的屏幕来移动我的内容,以便删除按钮不会覆盖它?谷歌告诉我,我需要在子视图上设置 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin
的自动调整掩码。在我看来,像 UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth
Is there any way to use autoresizing masks to move my content so that the delete button doesn't cover it up? Googling has told me that I need to set an autoresizing mask of UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleRightMargin
on my subview. It seems to me like UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth
would actually make more sense; though I've tried them both and neither works.
The view that I am trying to shrink is just a label that is a subview of the cell's contentView. I am unsure if the contentView itself automatically resizes when the delete button shows up; but it seems like it isn't; otherwise my autoresizing mask should have worked.
If the presence of the delete button doesn't cause any views to be resized; is there anyway that I can do this manually?
You should use UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleLeftMargin.
这就是原因。你希望你的内容向左移动,基本上使得看起来像删除按钮正在将内容推向左边。 flexibleLeftMargin基本上意味着你的UILabel将保持固定在contentView的右侧。你想要这个的原因是因为删除按钮实际上导致你的contentView缩小它的宽度。
Here's why. You want your contents to move to the left, basically making it seem like the delete button is pushing the contents to the left, out of it's way. flexibleLeftMargin basically means your UILabel will stay fixed to the right side of your contentView. The reason you want this, is because the delete button actually causes your contentView to shrink it's width.
The autoresizingmask of your UILabel refers to how it behaves inside the contentView, not the cell.