


I have a minimal application which uses QOpenGLWidget that integrates an OpenGL wrapper library (OpenSceneGraph). I am trying to figure out how to correctly use the Qt5.6 support for high DPI screens when dealing with OpenGL content like I use.


My main() function has the following code:

int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // DPI support is on

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QMainWindow window;

    // QOpenGLWidget with OpenSceneGraph content
    QtOSGWidget* widget = new QtOSGWidget();

    return app.exec();


The QtOSGWidget is derived from QOpenGLWidget with OpenSceneGraph content: I use osgViewer::GraphicsWindowEmbedded to render my simple scene.


To merge OSG with Qt, I re-define the *GL() methods: paintGL(), resizeGL() and initializeGL(). I follow the Qt docs on what each of the *GL() methods should contain, i.e.:

  • paintGL()确保查看器已更新
  • resizeGL()确保适当调整图形窗口的大小(以及相机和视口);
  • initializeGL()确保OpenGL状态已初始化.
  • 我还重新定义了Qt鼠标事件,以便将事件传递给OSG
  • paintGL() makes sure the viewer is updated
  • resizeGL() makes sure the graphics window is resized properly (together with camera and viewport);
  • initializeGL() makes sure OpenGL state is initialized.
  • I also re-defined Qt mouse events so that to pass the events to OSG


When I run my example on normal resolution screen, or with QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_DisableHighDpiScaling);, the scene looks like it should:


Also, when I manipulate the camera view, the mouse coordinates are captured correctly.


However, when I set the high DPI option on, this is what I get:


The mouse coordinates for events are scaled as well and not passed to the OpenSceneGraph's event handler correctly.


As you can see, the graphics window size is not scaled by Qt. It is probably because of the way how I set up the sizing:

virtual void resizeGL( int width, int height )
    // resize event is passed to OSG
    this->getEventQueue()->windowResize(this->x(), this->y(), width, height);

    // graphics window resize
    m_graphicsWindow->resized(this->x(), this->y(), width, height);

    // camera viewport
    osg::Camera* camera = m_viewer->getCamera();
    camera->setViewport(0, 0, this->width(), this->height());


That sizing is not scaled by Qt. Same thing happens to the mouse events coordinates.


My question: is there a way to know to what size the scaling will be performed so that to do resizeGL() correctly? Or what is the correct way to deal with the problem?


Update/Solution using scaling by hand: thanks to the answer of @AlexanderVX, I figured out the scaling solution. At first, I need to know some reference values of DPI in X and Y dimensions. Then I calculate the scaling coordinates based on that and pass them to my widget QtOSGWidget. So, the code of the main() has to contain:

QApplication app(argc, argv);

int x = QApplication::desktop()->physicalDpiX();
int y = QApplication::desktop()->physicalDpiY();
// values 284 and 285 are the reference values
double scaleX = 284.0/double(x);
double scaleY = 285.0/double(y);

QMainWindow window;
QtOSGWidget* widget = new QtOSGWidget(scaleX, scaleY, &window);
// etc.


Then, whenever I refer to the sizing functions that needed to be passed to OpenSceneGraph (OpenGL) content, I have to do scaling, e.g.:

// resizeGL example
this->getEventQueue()->windowResize(this->x()*m_scaleX, this->y() * m_scaleY, width*m_scaleX, height*m_scaleY);

// mouse event example
this->getEventQueue()->mouseButtonPress(event->x()*m_scaleX, event->y()*m_scaleY, button);

最终更新:由于我的应用程序的目标平台是Windows 7-10,因此坚持使用@AlexanderV的建议答案(第二部分)更有意义,即使用SetProcessDPIAware()函数.

Final update: since the target platform of my application is Windows 7-10, it makes much more sense to stick with the proposed answer of @AlexanderV (second part), i.e., to use SetProcessDPIAware() function.



        // relative to widget
        int screenNum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(pWidget);


        // relative to global screen position
        int screenNum = QApplication::desktop()->screenNumber(pWidget->topLeft());


and that gives us pointer to QScreen:

        QScreen* pScreen = QApplication::desktop()->screen(screenNum);


from which you can read many screen characteristics, including "physical dot per inch" which makes us able to judge how many pixels there per inch:

        qreal pxPerInch = pScreen->physicalDotsPerInch();

每英寸具有像素,您将能够以编程方式缩放绘图代码.检测多少是正常"密度,然后与在物理设备上检测到的密度成比例地缩放.当然,这种方法更适合于精确的图形.请注意 physicalDotPerInch()和.

Having pixels per inch you will be able to programmatically scale your drawing code. Detect how much is 'normal' density and then scale proportionally against the density detected on physical device. Of course that approach is more suitable for accurate graphics. Be aware of both physicalDotPerInch() and devicePixelRatio(), though.

        qreal scaleFactor = pScreen->physicalDotsPerInch() / normalPxPerInch;

但是,使用窗口小部件和普通的GUI绘图,通常让Qt/system缩放整个UI更加容易. Qt文档:高DPI显示.

However, with widgets and normal GUI drawing it is often easier to let Qt / system to scale the entire UI. Qt Documentation: High DPI Displays.

如果OS Windows至少为Vista或更高版本,并且为高DPI调整Qt听起来很复杂,那么尽管Qt在日志中抱怨,但我还是采取了一条捷径并且对我有帮助:"SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: "COM error 0xffffffff80070005 (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff80070005)".我在事件循环之前从main()调用此函数: SetProcessDPIAware(),然后不管什么显示器密度,所有的UI都一样.尽管如此,我还是将其与Qt 5.5一起使用.还有 SetProcessDpiAwareness()函数,请进行探索.我使用SetProcessDPIAware是因为它自Windows Vista以来可用,但SetProcessDpiAwareness仅从Windows 8.1起可用.因此,该决定可能取决于潜在的客户端系统.

If the OS Windows at least Vista or higher and tuning Qt for high DPI sounds complicated then there is a shortcut that I take and it helps me, though Qt complains in the log: "SetProcessDpiAwareness failed: "COM error 0xffffffff80070005 (Unknown error 0x0ffffffff80070005)"". I call this function from main() before the event loop: SetProcessDPIAware() and then all the UI looks alike no matter what monitor density is. I use it with Qt 5.5, though. There is also SetProcessDpiAwareness() function, explore. I use SetProcessDPIAware because it is available since Windows Vista but SetProcessDpiAwareness is only available since Windows 8.1. So, the decision may depend on potential clients systems.


int main(int argc, char** argv)
    // DPI support is on
    // QApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_EnableHighDpiScaling);

     // on Windows?
    // MSDN suggests not to use SetProcessDPIAware() as it is obsolete and may not be available.
    // But it works with widgets.

    QApplication app(argc, argv);
    QMainWindow window;

    // QOpenGLWidget with OpenSceneGraph content
    QtOSGWidget* widget = new QtOSGWidget();

    return app.exec();


05-29 01:51