


The action filter I want to inject into starts like this

public class UserAuthorisation : AuthorizeAttribute
    public IWcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel>
        FrameworkServiceProxy { get; set; }


I have setup my container like this:

    ()=> new WcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel>());

container.RegisterInitializer<UserAuthorisation>(handler =>
    handler.FrameworkServiceProxy = container

当我运行它时,FrameworkServiceProxy 属性为空.

When I run this the FrameworkServiceProxy property is null.

我读过这篇文章:简单注射器:注入一个基类中的属性并遵循答案.我还阅读了此页面中的示例 Simple Injector Documentation.

I have read this post: Simple Injector: Injecting a property in a base class and followed the answer. I have also read example in this page Simple Injector Documentation.


I am not injecting into a base class and maybe that is the issue?


I am adding more information as I think it should be working from what has been said in Stevens answer.

我正在使用 MVC 3 的 NuGet 包.这会向应用程序添加以下内容:

I am using the NuGet package for MVC 3. This adds the following to the application:

public static class SimpleInjectorInitializer
    /// <summary>Initialize the container and register it as MVC3 Dependency Resolver.</summary>
    public static void Initialize()
        var container = new Container();
        DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new SimpleInjectorDependencyResolver(container));

    private static void InitializeContainer(Container container)
        container.Register<IWcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel>>(() => new WcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel>());
        container.RegisterInitializer<UserAuthorisation>(handler =>
                handler.FrameworkServiceProxy = container.GetInstance<IWcfClientProxy<IAppFrameworkServiceChannel>>();

这包括 container.RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider(); ,据我所知,它应该注册一个过滤器提供程序,并且应该意味着过滤器是通过容器创建的(这种理解可能是错误的)然后是属性自动连线.

This includes the container.RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider(); that as I now understand it should register a filter provider and should mean that filters are created through the container (this understanding might be wrong) and then properties are automatically wired-up.

我的过滤器在 Global.asax.cs 中注册如下:

My filter is registered in the Global.asax.cs like so:

public static void RegisterGlobalFilters(GlobalFilterCollection filters)
    filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute());
    filters.Add(new UserAuthorisation());


It seems to me that the filter is not being created by the container so I think I need to do something else to get that to happen ?


您正在UserAuthorisation 属性上注册初始化程序.但是,初始化器仅在容器本身创建类型时由容器使用.由于属性是由 CLR 创建的,因此初始化程序不会关闭.

You are registering an initializer on your UserAuthorisation attribute. Initializers however, are only used by the container when a type is created by the container itself. Since attributes are created by the CLR, the initializer won't go off.

SimpleInjector.Integration.Web.Mvc.dll(这个 NuGet 包)包含一个 RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider 扩展方法.这将注册一个 AttributeFilterProvider,它将执行隐式属性注入(并调用 container.InjectProperties 方法).调用container.RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider()后,会看到这个属性是自动注入的.

The SimpleInjector.Integration.Web.Mvc.dll (this NuGet package) contains a RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider extension method. This will register an AttributeFilterProvider that will do implicit property injection (and call into the container.InjectProperties method). After calling container.RegisterMvcAttributeFilterProvider(), you will see that this property is injected automatically.


05-29 01:09